Message from the President
Lee Davis, Jr.,
Attorney, CPA, AEP, EPLS
Walter Lee Davis Jr. PC,
Johnson City, Tennessee
Dear Council Leaders, Council Members, At Large Members, and Designees,
Greetings from your National Association. Some of you may wonder why my
salutation greets four different groups. Let me tell you who they are. First are
Council Leaders. Typically, these are the officers of local councils who are
identified on each current Local Council "Splash Page" of our NAEPC website at These splash pages are our "Level 1" websites that we provide
free of charge to every member council of NAEPC, although many have opted for
the enhanced versions, Levels 2, 3, or 4. Council Leaders with Level 1 websites
advise us of the names and addresses of various Council Leaders to whom we
should address all correspondence. In some cases, we only have an address for
one or two, and in other cases, we have addresses for five or six.
Next is Council Members. These are all the individual members of local
councils which have supplied the National Office with the email addresses of
their entire local council membership. We send NAEPC email to all of those
people. National has committed not to send more than six (6) emails per year,
plus the Annual Conference brochure to everyone for whom we have email
addresses, regardless of whether they are a Council Leader, Council Member, an
At Large Member or a Designee. It is our hope that every council will see the
benefit of having our NAEPC emails go to their entire membership rather than
going only to the Council Leaders, who then may or may not forward these emails
to the entire local council membership. See
more information
about this campaign.
Next is At Large Members. There are some people who are qualified for
membership in a local council, but who do not live or work within practical
driving distance to a local council. These people are allowed to join the
National Association, in order to obtain the member benefits, as an At Large
Member. They have a 1/100 vote and are entitled to all the benefits just the
same as local councils and the local council members. It is particularly
important to have at large memberships available for people who meet the
qualifications to be designated as an Accredited Estate Planner, but who live a
great distance from any affiliated council. These people can become At Large
Members and then be designated an Accredited Estate Planner. They have supplied
us with their email addresses.
Finally, I addressed Designees. These are the people who have received the
Accredited Estate Planner ("AEP") designation or the Estate Planning Law
Specialist ("EPLS") designation. They, too, have supplied their email address so
that they can receive NAEPC communications.
The Member Benefits just keep getting better. You now have access to our
Members Only Benefits page
(see below for instructions). It discloses the details of all member benefits,
such as the special vendor price for our members and other special benefits that
are limited to our members. We already have exciting news to share with you on
this page and you should all take a look today! Plan to go there immediately
and check out some new benefits. They are compelling. Look for new offers from
Trusts & Estates magazine, Confidant software and a free webinar
based on our agreement with the Society of Financial Service Professionals to
sponsor a number of webinars each year. If you did not get to tune in to one
earlier you are missing some great education. You do not want to miss them.
We're excited to announce a partnership arrangement with InterActive Legal
Systems that will be debuting in May! This series of educational webinars is
sure to be a hit. See
more information about this benefit.
It's not too early to make your hotel reservations at the Doubletree Paradise
Valley Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona for the National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils and The NAEPC Foundation
45th Annual Conference. The NAEPC
Annual Meeting of members will be held Wednesday morning, November 12, 2008, and
then the rest of the day will be devoted to Council Leadership Day. Every
council needs to have a representative at this meeting so your council can learn
what other councils are doing and how to make your council better serve your
membership and the general public. Then on Thursday and Friday, November 13 and
14, 2008, we will have our educational program the best speakers in the industry
providing you with two (2) full days of continuing education.
If there are some of you who plan to come to the educational sessions but not
participate in Council Leadership Day, you also have an opportunity to
participate in an additional half-day of continuing education on November 12
presented by the Jewish Community Foundation and the Arizona Community
Foundation just a few blocks away at the Lakeview Inn at Camelback Golf Club.
Information about this outstanding November 12, 2008,
Tax & Legal Seminar is
available on the NAEPC website just below the information regarding our 2008
conference. While you are looking at the website, look at some of the highlights
from prior NAEPC conferences going back to 2002. Particularly note the speakers.
These are names you will recognize. We have the best at our conferences. Best
regards. Good planning.
Estate Planning Day in a Box is moving along. We now have the
Phase 1 materials,
which are all the planning materials for your local council to use to plan an
Estate Planning Day for the general public. Very shortly the PowerPoint
slides will be added for the second phase dealing with the educational program.
Be aware that the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils has
declared the third full week of October of each year to be National Estate
Planning Awareness Week. This year it is October 20-26. We hope that a very
substantial number of our local councils will hold an Estate Planning Day
Seminar for the general public.
Finally, if you are an AEP, are you proudly displaying the Accredited Estate
Planner license plate frame?
Buy one now!
I attended my first NAEPC conference in 1986 in Portland when I served as
President of the Tri-Cities (TN-VA) EPC. I keep coming back.
Best regards,

Member Benefits & Discounts
The NAEPC appreciates our Value Partners and is proud to announce a new
NAEPC & InterActive Legal Systems to Cooperate on Educational Webinars!
For estate planning professionals serious about staying up-to-date in their
areas of
expertise, a new "Webinar" series making its debut this May is something not to
missed. Featuring leading national experts as speakers, these Web seminars will
success through education in estate planning, business planning, elder law, tax
law, asset
protection, and more.
This innovative series represents a new way to remain current, take in best
practices, and
learn about the latest developments in the field - essential for the success of
any firm.
The format takes full advantage of the latest Internet technologies. The result
will be a
high-quality presentation filled with essential information that's also
affordable and
convenient. Try finding that combination in a traditional seminar!
The Estate Planning Webinar series is made possible through a collaboration
between the
NAEPC and InterActive Legal, an NAEPC Member Benefit Partner that specializes in
creating software for attorneys. To sign up - or to learn more about the
Webinar series - you can e-mail Patricia McLelland at
We'll keep you posted on topics, speakers and dates as that information
available. We know you won't want to miss a single Webinar.
CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business
CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business, features an extensive line of research
materials and software solutions that are the professional's first choice for
reliable, practitioner-oriented guidance for advising clients and making
critical business decisions. Visit to learn more about titles
- Estate and Retirement Planning Answer Book
- Asset Protection Strategies
CCH and NAEPC joined together to offer NAEPC members a 30% discount on
outstanding tax and accounting books written by the leading experts. Visit the
member benefits page
and then log in for pricing and ordering
instructions (see instructions below).
Society of Financial Service Professionals Audio Web Conferences
NAEPC and the Society of Financial Service Professionals are teaming up to
provide two more audio-web conferences between September 2008 and May 2009.
Information about these valuable programs will be sent in future issues of
NAEPC News and placed online. As a special, NAEPC members-only benefit, one
audio-conference will be available to our members at no charge!
New! Password-Protected Member Benefits Page
The Member
Benefits page of our website has undergone recent changes! In an effort to
provide you with the BEST discounts on programs and services offered through
NAEPC Value Partners, the information has been password-protected. If your EPC
is using a site hosted by NAEPC that currently uses passwords, you can use that
same council password for the National site. If you are not sure what that
password is, you can retrieve using the Forgot Password feature of the
login page. If you are an AEP EPLS designation holder, you can also use this
feature to retrieve your password. Please contact the administrator of your
affiliated local estate planning council to retrieve password information if
your council is not currently using the password option.
You might also be able to find a similar Member Benefits page on your local
council's website, with the addition of member benefits that your council has
The NAEPC Foundation
Gary L. Flotron, MBA, CLU, ChFC, AEP
G.L. Flotron & Associates
St. Louis, Missouri
NAEPC Foundation Co-Chair |
M. Rogers, TO, AEP
The Glenmede Trust Co., N.A.
Wilmington, Delaware
NAEPC Foundation Co-Chair |
The mission of the NAEPC Foundation is...
- To educate the public regarding the benefits of the multi-disciplinary
team concept of estate planning as espoused by the National Association of
Estate Planners & Councils;
- to develop educational programs regarding estate planning for estate
planning professionals;
- to develop and promote a community outreach program for the general
public; and
- to hold educational conferences, seminars, forums, and meetings regarding
estate planning.
National Estate Planning Awareness Week has been named during the
third full week of October each calendar year! The NAEPC Foundation Committee of
the NAEPC Board of Directors recently spent a great deal of time on an
initiative for all affiliated local councils to easily host a publicly-focused
Estate Planning Day within their community. Phase 1, the organizational system,
has been released and is available to all councils online on a
special web page for
this event. We encourage each and every affiliated local estate planning
council to consider hosting this type of event during National Estate Planning
Awareness Week in 2008.
We would like to thank those that have made personal contributions to The
NAEPC Foundation during the beginning of calendar year 2008:
Ronald R. Holden, Attorney, AEP;
Julie A. Buschman, AEP;
J. Stanley Montgomery, CLU, ChFC, AEP;
John D'Arcy Becker, CLU, AEP;
Michael W. Halloran, CLU, ChFC, AEP, CFP®, REBC, RHU, LUTCF, MSFS, MSM;
Jerry L. Picucci, CPA, AEP;
George M. Smrtka, Attorney, AEP;
Judith L. Sterling, Attorney, EPLS, AEP;
William J. Braun, CLU, ChFC, AEP;
M. Eileen Dougherty, CTFA, CFP®, AEP;
Charles Driscoll, CLU, AEP;
Michael H. Kessling, CLU, CFBS, AEP, CLTC;
Barry A. McBride, CLU, AEP;
John H. Reamey, CPA, AEP;
Nicholas D. Tellie, BBA, JD, AEP;
Glenn Ward, CLU, ChFC, CFBS, AEP;
Valorie Joy Promisel, BS, MBA, JD, AEP;
Ian M. Sammis, JD, AEP;
Michael J. Sweet, AEP, CLU and
Julia P. Wald, Attorney, AEP.
See more information about The NAEPC
45th Annual Conference Information
Join us from November 12 - 14, 2008 for the NAEPC's 45th Annual Conference
co-hosted by Central Arizona Estate Planning
Council. The event will take place at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort
in Scottsdale, Arizona. The three day program features one day devoted to
leadership development and is intended to appeal to board members of our 190+
affiliated local estate planning councils. The two full days of technical
education that follow are among the best in the country. Watch your e-mail and
our conference web page for
more information.
A detailed list of speakers and registration information will be available on
the website soon! Check back often for updates.
Sponsorship opportunities are still available! Visit our
conference web page to obtain a complete sponsorship kit.
Mark your calendar now for the 46th Annual Conference scheduled from November 11
- 13, 2009 in Amelia Island, FL.
NAEPC Council Relations Committee
E. Sellers, CPA, AEP
Wilson Price
Montgomery, Alabama
Council Relations Committee Chair |
The NAEPC's Council Relations Committee is charged with helping affiliated
councils use all of the benefits and services available to them as well as
assisting unaffiliated councils to understand the benefits of membership. We're
proud to welcome two new members to our committee:
Frank S. Berall, Atty, AEP, LL.M. of Copp & Berall LLP in Hartford, CT &
Robert L. Fischer, CLU, ChFC, AEP of Harbor Wealth Management LLC in Green Bay,
These gentlemen join existing committee members that are anxious to talk to the
leadership of your affiliated local council. See our website for a
list of the entire
committee, along with the state(s) that they represent. Please contact the
representative nearest you or the national office if you have any questions.
AEP & EPLS Designation Information
The Accredited Estate Planner Designation Committee is proud to welcome three
new members! They are:
Frank S. Berall, Atty, AEP, LL.M. of Copp & Berall LLP in
Hartford, CT;
Daniel E. Rich, JD, MBA, TO, AEP of American National Bank in Denver Colorado &
Charles N. Stewart, AEP, MSFS of Stewart Financial Services in St. George, UT.
Professional estate planners can now achieve accreditations that acknowledge
their experience and specialization in estate planning!
The Accredited Estate Planner (AEP) designation is available to
attorneys, Chartered Life Underwriters, Certified Public Accountants, Certified
Trust and Financial Advisors, Chartered Financial Consultants, and Certified
Financial Planners® and is awarded to professionals who meet stringent
experience and education qualifications including two graduate level courses
administered by The American College.
The Estate Planning Law Specialist (EPLS) designation is available to
attorneys by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc., an attorney-run subsidiary
of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Attorneys who become
Board-certified under this program demonstrate a high level of professionalism
and commitment to the concept of specialization. We believe that as attorney
specialization increases, it will benefit not only lawyers but the public. This
program is currently the only program, other than certain state bar association
programs which are only for residents of their particular states, accredited by
the American Bar Association to Board-certify attorneys as Estate Planning Law
See more information about
both of these
Councils in the News
We would like to thank those councils that took advantage of the Council
Nominated AEP program during calendar year 2007. They are:
Boulder County EPC
Chattanooga (EPC of)
East Coast EPC (FL)
Greater NJ EPC
Hampton Roads EPC
Lower Fairfield County EPC
Metropolitan Detroit, Inc. F&EPC
Montgomery County EPC
Northeast Florida (EPC of)
Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. (EPC of)
Pittsburgh EPC |
Pomona Valley EPC
Putnam County, EPC of
Redwood Empire (Ca.) EPC
Riverside EPC
Seattle (EPC of)
Southern New Jersey (F&EPC of)
St. Louis (EPC of)
Suburban Maryland (EPC of)
Westchester County (EPC of)
Western Conn. E&TPC
Western New York (Estate Analysts of) |
The NAEPC is looking for volunteers to participate on all of our Accredited
Estate Planner Designation and Council Relations Committees. If you have an
interest in joining our group, please send an e-mail to Thank you! |
Subscription Options
You are receiving this message because of your affiliation
with the NAEPC or because your local estate planning council
asked for its members to be included, no more frequently than
six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like this one, please
use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about
the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits,
please be sure to
subscribe for more frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216)
696-2582 ~ E-Mail:
2008, All Rights Reserved.
See Privacy Policy. |