Message from the President

Lee Davis, Jr.,
Attorney, CPA, AEP, EPLS
Walter Lee Davis Jr. PC,
Johnson City, Tennessee
Dear Council Leaders and Members, At Large Members and Designees,
Have you registered for the 45th Annual Conference yet? If not, please do so today! This event is sure to be as exciting and fun as it will be educational; and the education will be "as good as it gets". The conference will be held November 12-14,
2008 in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona! Please review the information found below
in the conference section and on our website. This event is not just for affiliated local estate planning council leaders; it's for every estate planning professional!
The two full days of technical education are unsurpassed and should not be missed!
Our board of directors is hard at work with initiatives like National Estate Planning Awareness Week, Estate Planning Day in a Box, new and exciting website announcements and finding valuable member benefits. Please read through this publication and contact us if you have any questions.
I look forward to seeing you in November in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona!

45th Annual Conference Information
Registration for the
45th Annual Conference of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils and The NAEPC Foundation is
OPEN! Don’t miss the opportunity to meet and network with estate planning professionals throughout the country! The conference is located at the Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort, winner of the prestigious AAA Four Diamond Award offering luxury, resort amenities and visually stunning Sonoran Desert views on 22 acres of lush, tropical paradise in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The first day of the conference is Council Leadership Day and at that meeting council representatives will gather, share ideas, and learn techniques that will help to develop the best possible estate planning council. This day is appropriate for officers, directors and/or administrators from any council to attend.
The two days of continuing education that follow feature prominent national and local speakers. We truly believe you will not find a better continuing education program in the country. These two days of programming are appropriate for every single member of your council! We’re very pleased to welcome the following speakers to the podium:
Stephen S. Case
William R. (Trey) Cousins, III
Robert B. Fleming
Professor Mark R. Gillett
Marianne M. Jennings
Professor Stanley M. Johanson |
Lawrence P. Katzenstein
Professor Edward J. McCaffery & Alan T. Yoshitake
Mark Moritz
Michael Mulligan
Jeffrey N. Pennell
Wesley R. Scott |
The day after the conclusion of the 2-day educational program, Saturday, November 15, 2008, will offer a volunteer experience at St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance. Please see the
online registration web pages
for full details or the
Conference Brochure (PDF)
Mark your calendar...
46th Annual Conference – November 11 – 13, 2009 – Amelia Island, Florida
47th Annual Conference – November 17 – 19, 2010 – San Diego, California
Member Benefits & Discounts
Robert G. Alexander,
The Professional Development & Education Committee continues to work hard to offer high quality professional products, services and educational opportunities at value pricing for our members. We diligently look for opportunities that will enhance the
significance of your membership in NAEPC and make your individual practice more
efficient. |
NAEPC & InterActive Legal Webinar Schedule: October – December 2008
Visit InterActive
LegalSuite™ to register for any of these exciting programs! You will need
to enter a discount code when registering to obtain the special member pricing
of $85/seminar.
October 15, 2008—1:00 – 2:00 pm EST
Discount Code: sisiddqodd
"The Mathematics of Gifting & Inter Vivos Sales"
with Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP (Distinguished)
During this webinar we will discuss the mathematics behind the most popular estate planning transactions used today and how these transactions can be used in combination with each other so as to create the perfect hedge against estate and gift taxes.
October 29, 2008—1:00 – 2:00 pm EST
Discount Code: piriptffvn
"Asset Protection Entities of Choice"
with Mark Merric, JD, CPA, CIA, CMA, MT
This presentation will discuss the amount of protection a charging order protection provides, what states have provided more asset protection that just sole remedy charging order, opportunities and concerns with domestic asset protection trusts, lead trust jurisdictions for domestic asset protection trusts, if not living in a domestic APT state, which states or countries should be forum shopped and offshore asset protection - still "king" of the planning tools?
October30, 2008—3:30 – 5:00 pm EST
Discount Code: denpetipup
"Estate Planning in Today's Uncertain Economic Climate"
with Jonathan G. Blattmachr, JD, AEP (Distinguished)
November 5, 2008—1:00 – 2:00 pm EST
Discount Code: neruqomine
"Botched Trusts and Other Conundrums"
with Robert G. Alexander, JD, LL.M., AEP, EPLS
This presentation will discuss the critical importance of correcting errors and reacting to changed circumstances, disclaimers and how to use them, renunciations - the non-qualified disclaimer, reforming trusts and other documents, consent of the parties, court orders and other remedies.
December 3, 2008—1:00 – 2:00 pm EST
Discount Code: hffekivupf
"Installment Sales - Myths, Legends, Pitfalls and Difficult Issues"
with Derek L. Fletcher, JD, CPA, Shareholder, Winstead Attorneys
This advanced presentation will address the complex issues practitioners encounter in design, implementation and reporting of installment sales to grantor trusts. The program will NOT be a review of the basics of the installment sale transaction but, rather, will be an advanced discussion focusing on the "tough" issues related to this sophisticated wealth transfer strategy.
December 17, 2008—1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Discount Code: pigoffummd
"Drafting Special Needs Trusts, Part 1 of 2"
with Thomas D. Begley, Jr., JD, CELA
This seminar will discuss primary public benefit programs, types of special needs trusts, special needs trusts compared to other trusts, POMS consideration when drafting a special needs trust, major issues involving special needs trusts and trustee provisions.
NAEPC has partnered with industry legend Sidney Kess and PESI,
LLC (www.pesi.com) to provide knowledge-sharing
and networking opportunities for our members, including the 9th Annual Ultimate Estate, Retirement & Financial Planning Conference 2008. PESI, LLC has a long history in the continuing education seminar business, with roots dating back to 1979, and has been educating the nation’s professionals in a variety of markets. In 1979, Professional Education Systems started out as a legal publishing company and quickly evolved into presenting continuing education seminars and conferences in addition to its publishing projects.
CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business, features an extensive line of research materials and software solutions that are the professional's first choice for reliable, practitioner-oriented guidance for advising clients and making critical business decisions. NAEPC members are entitled to a 30% discount on tax & accounting books written by experts in the field including:
CCH Financial and Estate Planning Guide 2009
Estate Planning, Sixth Edition by A. James Casner and Jeffrey N. Pennell
Price on Contemporary Estate Planning
Multistate and Multinational Estate Planning
Complete information about this member benefit, along with ordering instructions, can be found at
valuable member
benefit programs.
The NAEPC Foundation
Gary L.
Flotron, MBA, CLU, ChFC, AEP
G.L. Flotron & Associates
St. Louis, Missouri
NAEPC Foundation Co-Chair |
M. Rogers, TO, AEP
The Glenmede Trust Co., N.A.
Wilmington, Delaware
NAEPC Foundation Co-Chair |
On September 27, the House passed our H Resolution 1499 proclaiming that the third full week in October shall be known as National Estate Planning Awareness
The NAEPC Foundation Committee is hard at work finalizing two very important
National Estate Planning Awareness Week—October 20 – 26, 2008 has been named National Estate Planning Awareness Week by the NAEPC & The NAEPC Foundation! All affiliated local estate planning councils will be encouraged to host public estate planning day programs within their communities during calendar year 2009!
Estate Planning Day in a Box—This three-phase is program designed to assist estate planning councils in planning a publicly-focused event that can take place in tandem with National Estate Planning Awareness Week.
Phase 1, the organizational phase, is available now to assist the council in presenting the idea to the Board, with committee formation and by offering basic structure for the planning period.
See Phase 1 packet of
Phase 2, the technical data, is available by request to those councils that return a
request form. It is appropriate for programs one—eight hours in length and customizable to the needs of the council and presentation team.
Phase 3, marketing materials, were released nationwide during September 2008. A copy of the press release can be found online
See more information about The NAEPC
NAEPC Council Relations Committee
E. Sellers, CPA, AEP
Wilson Price
Montgomery, Alabama
Council Relations Committee Chair
It’s the time of year when the leaves are changing and estate planning councils return to their yearly schedule! The
Council Relations Committee has been very busy contacting member councils, meeting and talking to unaffiliated councils, and reconnecting with councils who have formerly been members of NAEPC, but had not renewed membership in the last few years. Our committee is pleased to have all of our new member benefits and initiatives to discuss with these councils. Those benefits consist of discounts on subscriptions like
Trusts & Estates magazine,
Business Week magazine, Leimberg Information Services and Private Wealth
magazine, products like CCH publications, Civicom conference calling services, and quality educational opportunities like the Board Member Speaker program, Interactive Legal Webcasts, and Boot Camp for Advisors. All of these products and services are available to councils and members, at significantly discounted rates, just as a result of their council membership
in the NAEPC. In addition, we have developed some
referral documents to assist your council with things like insurance, creating or amending Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation, etc.
Council officers - please be sure that your officer and contact information is up to date on your website and with the National office. The website is your council’s "window to the world", and each time our committee members contact a council, we check to see if the website information is correct. We want every council to be reached not only by our committee, but also by area professionals seeking membership opportunities and the general public searching for professionals who can help them with their estate planning needs.
Our committee can use some help in the Midwest. If you live in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky or Ohio and would like to get further involved with the NAEPC, please feel free to contact Eleanor M. Spuhler or Greg Sellers. We would welcome your involvement.
NAEPC Administered Designation Information
Professional estate planners can now achieve an accreditation that acknowledges their experience and specialization in estate planning.
The Accredited Estate Planner (AEP) designation is available to attorneys, Chartered Life Underwriters, Certified Public Accountants, Certified Trust and Financial Advisors, Chartered Financial Consultants, and Certified Financial Planners® and is awarded to professionals who meet stringent experience and education qualifications including two graduate level courses administered by The American College.
The Estate Planning Law Specialist (EPLS) designation is available to attorneys by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc., an attorney-run subsidiary of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Attorneys who become Board-certified under this program demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to the concept of specialization. We believe that as attorney specialization increases, it will benefit not only lawyers but the public. This program is currently the only program, other than certain state bar association programs which are only for residents of their particular states, accredited by the American Bar Association to Board-certify attorneys as Estate Planning Law Specialists.
See more information about both of these designations.
Your affiliated local estate planning council is able to honor its most highly respected and distinguished members by nominating them
as a
Council Nominated Candidate for the AEP designation. Your estate planning council has been authorized by the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils to recommend
individuals from each of the following five disciplines for this designation: Attorney, CPA, CLU, ChFC/CFP®, and CTFA. If your council has a membership of 100 or less, you can designate one individual from each of the five disciplines per calendar year. If your council has a membership of more than 100, you can designate two individuals from each of the disciplines per calendar year. The individuals nominated
through a Council Board Resolution to receive the AEP designation must have a minimum of 15 years experience in estate planning and estate planning activities and will be subject to current AEP qualifications and requirements, except the requirements for professional references and affiliated local estate planning council membership
verification will be waived. The application fee for these candidates will be $125, which is 50% of the usual fee. Contact Susan Austin Carney at (866) 226-2224 if you have any questions about this program.
The NAEPC is looking for volunteers to participate on our Accredited
Estate Planner Designation and Council Relations Committees. If you have an
interest in joining our group, please send an e-mail to
eleanor@naepc.org. Thank you! |
Subscription Options
You are receiving this message because of your affiliation
with the NAEPC or because your local estate planning council
asked for its members to be included, no more frequently than
six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like this one, please
use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about
the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits,
please be sure to
subscribe for more frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216)
696-2582 ~ E-Mail:
2008, All Rights Reserved.
See Privacy Policy. |