This Just In...
Launch of public website, www.estateplanninganswers.org! |
47th Annual Conference Registration OPEN! |
Message from the President
Michael W. Halloran, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®, CFP®, REBC, RHU, LUTCF, MSFS, MSM
Northwestern Mutual
Dear Colleagues,
It is hard to believe the summer is upon us! I hope you are enjoying all the season has to offer.
Perhaps the most exciting development since the last publication of this newsletter is the launch of The NAEPC Foundation's public internet portal, www.estateplanninganswers.org. The website contains a wealth of financial and estate planning information presented in language geared toward the public and satisfies The NAEPC Foundation mission of offering public education about the need for estate planning by a qualified team of advisors. The website will include a referral option for those interested in developing their personal team of advisors and is linked to the Accredited Estate Planner® and Estate Planning Law Specialist search engine on the NAEPC website. We feel this complimentary benefit is a great value-add for our current designees and
will encourage those that are not currently an AEP® designee to apply without delay! Feel free to visit www.estateplanninganswers.org and share it with clients, colleagues and friends!
Our yearly no-charge speaker program, available to all affiliated local councils, is gaining momentum. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide an average of 20% of our affiliates with a speaker during prior years and have released the informational packet for the 2010/2011 programming season. Participation is off to a strong start – don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of the program.
Finally, The NAEPC Foundation / NAEPC 47th Annual Conference is just around the corner and registration is open! I hope that you will join us for a program specially created to meet the needs of our multi-disciplinary membership during this time of uncertainty and, of course, an unsurpassed networking opportunity. Information about the program can be found online and is updated regularly. San Diego in November is beautiful... I hope to see you there!

47th Annual Conference Information
The NAEPC / The NAEPC Foundation 47th Annual Conference is scheduled from November 17-19, 2010 in beautiful San Diego, California. The early bird registration brochure, online reservation links and general information can be found at http://www.naepc.org/convention.web and will be updated as new information is available.
We're excited to announce that the following speakers will be offering programs on must-know estate planning information: Lawrence Brody, JD, LL.M., AEP® (Distinguished); Samuel A. Donaldson, JD, LL.M.; Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP® (Distinguished); Al W. King, III, JD, LL.M., AEP® (Distinguished); Bernard A. Krooks, JD, CPA, LL.M, CELA,
AEP®; Carlyn McCaffrey, LL.B., LL.M., AEP® (Distinguished); Richard W. Nenno, JD, AEP® (Distinguished); Richard A. Oshins, JD, LL.M., MBA, AEP® (Distinguished); Jeffrey N. Pennell, JD; Sanford J. Schlesinger, JD, AEP® (Distinguished); Terri
L. Getman, JD, CLU, ChFC, AEP® (Distinguished) and Howard M. Zaritsky, JD, LL.M, AEP® (Distinguished).
Continuing education credit will be available for AEP® designees and will be requested nationwide for accountants, insurance professionals, attorneys, Certified Financial Planners® and Certified Trust and Financial Advisors.
Experience the beautifully transformed Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa and Marina while attending this event. A stunning transformation brings the epitome of California coastal chic into this San Diego hotel, with incredible ocean views, waterfront dining, a contemporary poolside lounge, an eco-friendly spa and redesigned guest rooms and meeting space. NAEPC is delighted to be hosting this conference in San Diego, a premier ocean-front destination! Online reservations are now available!
Sponsorships are available! The NAEPC Foundation / NAEPC 47th Annual Conference provides a unique and affordable opportunity to reach estate planners through sponsorships of the annual conference. Those that have an interest can review the conference sponsor kit or contact the NAEPC office for more details.
The NAEPC Foundation Report
Are your clients looking for general information about estate and financial planning in an easy to read and understandable format?
Direct them to today!
This website is The NAEPC Foundations' newest initiative, offering the
public understandable information about the need for estate and financial
planning while directing them back to the most qualified team to meet
their needs...NAEPC's designees and affiliated local estate planning
councils! |
Robert G. Alexander, JD, LL.M., AEP®, EPLS
Alexander Law Offices, S.C.
Milwaukee, WI
was formed in 2005 with the following mission:
- to educate the public regarding the benefits of the multi-disciplinary team concept of estate planning as espoused by the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
- to develop educational programs regarding estate planning for estate planning professionals
- to develop and promote a community outreach program for the general public
- to hold educational conferences, seminars, forums, and meetings regarding estate planning
The NAEPC Foundation's public initiative, National Estate Planning Awareness Week, is scheduled for October 2010. Join NAEPC and The NAEPC Foundation in promoting this exciting event to your clients and colleagues! Additional information about the week and related events will be published on our website soon.
Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Information
Do you find yourself saying "Why should I bother with another credential? I don't need any more letters behind my name."
- When choosing a doctor for heart problems, would you choose a CARDIOLOGIST over a family practitioner?
- When you need architectural drawings, do you look for a draftsman or an ARCHITECT with experience with like projects?
- If you want training, do you go to any classes, or do you choose classes that help you get better in your field?
Like your choice of SPECIALISTS, we hope that when someone is searching for assistance with their estate planning, they search for someone with the education, experience and commitment to the highest standards of excellence. As a member of an affiliated local estate planning council, you have already exhibited your dedication to the education, professional practice and affiliation with others in the industry. Now it is time for you to set yourself apart from others in your discipline by becoming an Accredited Estate Planner® (AEP®). By obtaining the AEP® designation, you will be joining nearly 1,500 estate planning professionals who have distinguished themselves as SPECIALISTS in estate planning. The ranks of the AEP® designation are growing when many designations memberships are decreasing.
In addition to the NAEPC membership benefits, your AEP® designation entitles you to additional discounts on resources and conference fees. For more details and to download an application form, please visit http://www.naepc.org/AEP_application.pdf.
NAEPC would like to congratulate those who have obtained the ACCREDITED ESTATE PLANNER® designation since the last publication of this newsletter:
Barbara C. Archer, CFP®, CLU®, AEP® • St. Louis, MO
Robert J. Baldes, Jr., CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® • Rochester, NY
Michael A. Bass, JD, LL.M., AEP® • Boston, MA
Sam W. Boone, Jr., JD, AEP® • Gainesville, FL
Garry Browning, CPA, AEP® • Modesto, CA
Timothy Alden Christensen, CPA/PFS, AEP® • Orem, UT
William D. Cunningham, JD, CTFA, AEP® • Houston, TX
Mary H. Durie, CFP®, AEP® • Dallas, TX
Michael Harris Fliegelman, CLU®, ChFC®, RFC, AEP® • Greenlawn, NY
William E. Ford, III, CLU®, AEP® • Weatherford, TX
A. Frank Goins, CFP®, CTFA, AEP® • Charlotte, NC
Victor L. Hess, CPA/PFS, CFP®, AIFA, CFE, AEP® • Marana, AZ
John M. Holten, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® • Plymouth, MN
Wayne E. Johnson, CFP®, AEP® • West Des Moines, IA
Jason A. Kiehl, CFP®, AEP® • Houston, TX
Carl J. Kunhardt, CFP®, CIMA®, AEP® • Dallas, TX
Daniel J. Lauletta, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, LUTCF, AEP® • Mayfield Heights, OH
Kenneth J. Masters, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® • Southborough, MA
Timothy S. McBride, JD, MBA, CFP®, AEP® • Boston, MA
Daniel J. McCleary, CLU®, ChFC®, MSFS, AEP® • Cypress, TX
Tracy L. Miller, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® • Houston, TX
John E. Muth, JD, CLU®, CFP®, AEP® • Milwaukee, WI
Thomas E. Peckham, JD, AEP® • Boston, MA
John D. Pettee, CFP®, CASL, CWS, AEP® • Phoenix, AZ
Michael A. Porter, JD, AEP® • Spearfish, SD
Mary Ann Quay, CPA, AEP® • Glendora, CA
Peter L. Reiss, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® • Doylestown, PA
Cheryl A. Robertson, CPA, AEP® • Montgomery, AL
Mary H. Schmidt, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® • Boston, MA
Joseph P. Seoane, Sr., CLU®, ChFC®, CLTC, AEP® • Slidell, LA
Marc G. Sigel, ChFC®, AEP® • Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gregory K. Smith, CTFA, AEP® • Grand Rapids, MI
Scott Staples, CFP®, CLU®, AEP® • Sugar Land, TX
Matthew D. Starkey, MSFS, CFP®, CAP, AEP® • Overland Park, KS
Leonard Weiner, JD, AEP® • Houston, TX
Daniel L. Woehrer, MBA, JD, AEP® • Mt. Calvary, WI |
Member Benefits, Programs & Services
NAEPC strives to offer our designees, councils and the affiliated local council membership high quality benefits, programs and services at value pricing. We continually look for opportunities that will enhance the value of your membership and make your practice more efficient.
We are very proud to make the following benefits available to you at reduced prices or substantial discounts:
Educational Webinars w/ InterActive Legal
NAEPC Journal of Estate & Tax Planning
A Parent's Guide to Wills & Trusts
Acquire Seminar Marketing
Amicus Creative Media
Evaluation Services
Exit Planning for Advisors
Business Week magazine
CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business
Civicom Audio Recording & conference calling
Private Wealth magazine
Estate ++
Family Business magazine |
Family Foundation Advisor
Florida Domicile Handbook
Journal of Taxation of Investments
Kettley Publishing Software
Klark Proposal Software
Midwest Transaction Group
National Center for Family Philanthropy
Retirement Snapshot Software
Robert Keebler's Health Care Surtax Chart
Robert Keebler's Exclusive Roth IRA Conversion Decision Chart
Trusts & Estates magazine
Wealth Management Business
Wealth Transfer Planning software |
All members must utilize a user name/password to access detailed ordering links and information. If you are an At-large member or member of a council that utilizes passwords on a website hosted by NAEPC, you can use the "I forgot my password" option. Others should contact NAEPC with questions about the appropriate user name/password combination.
Council Relations Committee
Joanna Averett, MBA, CFP®, CIF®, AEP®
First American Trust
San Bernardino, CA
Several NAEPC-affiliated local councils are planning public estate planning day programs in conjunction with The NAEPC Foundation's National Estate Planning Awareness Week from October 18 – 24, 2010 – won't your council consider doing the same? From half-day events to a series of sessions spread out over a month, this valuable effort serves to further the mission of The NAEPC Foundation and educate the public on this critically-important process. Please reference our website or contact the NAEPC office if you have questions.
Educational Events
https://interactivelegal.webex.com to register!
Members registering with a discount code (shown below
each event) can take advantage of an $85 registration
fee per program.
July 30, 2010 – 1:00pm – 2:00 pm ET
The Critical Importance of Tax Apportionment Clauses
with Jonathan G. Blattmachr, JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
This program will focus on why tax apportionment clauses
are the most important provisions in the will or trust,
what tax apportionment clauses accomplish, dangers in
using tax apportionment clauses, how to draft tax
apportionment clauses and how tax apportionment clauses
are different from abatement provisions.
Discount Code: ADUqaduX
August 11, 2010, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm ET
Structuring and Administering Effective Family Limited
with Jonathan G. Blattmachr, JD, AEP® (Distinguished) and
Professor Mitchell M. Gans
This webinar will address recent FLP developments,
structuring an FLP to establish a significant and
legitimate non-estate tax reason for its formation,
structuring the partnership without risk of making a
taxable gift or recognizing gain or other income,
administering a partnership to avoid IRS contention that
the underlying partnership assets are included in the
partner’s estate, sales and other dispositions of limited
partnership units without gain and estate tax inclusion
and special detriments and opportunities for married
couples using family partnership.
Discount Code: suaLaluR
August 25, 2010 – 1:00pm – 2:00 pm ET
Estate Planning for the Family Business Owner with
Jonathan G. Blattmachr, JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
Details to follow.
Discount Code: noHeQaBA |
Estate Planning Law Specialist Designation Information
The Estate Planning Law Specialist (EPLS) designation is available to attorneys and is administered by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc., an attorney-run subsidiary of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Attorneys who become board-certified under this program demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to the concept of specialization. This program is currently the only program, other than certain state bar association programs which are only for residents of their particular states, accredited by the American Bar Association to Board-certify attorneys as Estate Planning Law Specialists.
We are looking for participants on various NAEPC and The NAEPC Foundation committees. If you have an interest in joining our group of dedicated volunteers, please send an email to eleanor@naepc.org to request information about opportunities and a brief application. |
Subscription Options
You are receiving this message because of your affiliation
with NAEPC or because your local estate planning council
asked for its members to be included, no more frequently than
six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like this one, please
use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about
the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits,
please be sure to
subscribe for more frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216)
696-2582 ~ E-Mail:
2010, All Rights Reserved.
See Privacy Policy. |