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4th Quarter 2011 NAEPC Journal of Estate & Tax Planning Released
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Message from the President

PhotoClark B. McCleary, CLU, ChFC, MSFS, AEP®
McCleary & Associates
Houston, Texas

Dear Colleagues,

As I take office as your newly-elected president, I would like to reflect on a few of the positive developments your organization experienced during 2011.

The 48th Annual Conference in November was a phenomenal success! Heartfelt thanks go out to those who presented the two full days of technical educational programming: Steve R. Akers, JD, AEP® (Distinguished); Samuel A. Donaldson, JD, LL.M., AEP® (Distinguished); S. Stacy Eastland, JD, AEP® (Distinguished); Todd A. Fithian; Donald O. Jansen, JD, LL.M.; Robert S. Keebler, CPA, MST, AEP® (Distinguished); Benjamin A. Koplan, CLU®, CFP®; Bernard A. Krooks, JD, CPA, LL.M., CELA, AEP®; Steven J. Oshins, JD, AEP® (Distinguished); Jeffrey N. Pennell, JD; Jeanette S. Ross MD, AGSF; and Gideon Rothschild, JD, CPA, AEP® (Distinguished). With total attendance nearing 375, including the 2011 class of inductees into the Estate Planning Hall of Fame®, the conference was one of the best ever! Mark your calendar now for the 49th Annual Conference from November 7 - 9, 2012 in Orlando, Florida.

2011 saw a growing acceptance of the Accredited Estate Planner® designation program, which you can read more about below. Surpassing the 1,500 designee mark is quite a milestone for NAEPC and your assistance in meeting that goal is appreciated! Keep spreading the word - the AEP® designation IS the multi-disciplinary designation of choice for estate planning professionals just as NAEPC is your association of choice!

Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't take a moment to thank those officers and directors who retired this year: 2010 president Michael W. Halloran, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®, CFP®, REBC, RHU, LUTCF, MSFS, MSM; Cindy D. Causby, CTFA, AEP®; returning board member John Wood Rittenhouse, Jr., CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®; Harold Schwartz, Jr., LL.B., LL.M., CLU®, ChFC®, RHU, REBC, FLMI, CEBS, AEP®; and Nancy H. Weingard, CLTC, CFP®, AEP®. Additionally, I would like to thank Joseph V. Falanga, CPA, AEP®, TEP for his leadership as 2011 president. The dedication of this fine group of individuals is most appreciated.

I look forward to serving as your president and encourage you to contact me directly if you have any suggestions in the coming months.


Who We Are

Reflections on the Values of NAEPC...
The trust officer's job on the estate planning team continues the focus the other members share as they work with the multifaceted lives of their clients and beneficiaries. The ultimate purpose of a good estate plan is one that meets the client's goals. For some the primary focus may be tax savings or the protection of challenged family members while others strive to sustain a legacy that will reach many generations. A holistic approach...Read more.

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49th Annual Conference



The 48th Annual Conference kicked off on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 with Council Leadership Day. Estate planning council leaders from across the country attend for this day of information sharing and development. While the morning sessions are dedicated to NAEPC's Annual Meeting, the remainder of the day is devoted to allowing council leaders to spend time with one another in groups with leaders of like-size organizations. Two full days of technical education followed during which presenters from around the country offered valuable continuing education credit for participants. As always, the conference featured a robust companion program! Registered companions attended activities such as a museum tour, mission tour and visits to both Fredericksburg and Gruene, Texas. Finally, the program closed with a rewarding volunteer experience on Saturday, November 19, 2011. Participants assisted the Land Heritage Institute, a living land museum, by working to clean and prepare the Presnall Watson Farm + Homestead for upcoming holiday activities and a planned renovation.

See 48th Annual Conference Highlights and Photos.

As quickly as the 48th Annual Conference passed the 49th Annual Conference will be here! Please plan on joining us from November 7 - 9, 2012 in Orlando, Florida. The hosting property, Buena Vista Palace, is near Downtown Disney and the conference is timed to be near both the Festival of the Masters art show and the Epcot® International Food & Wine Festival...this conference provides a perfect opportunity to plan a family vacation or some extra time away! The website will be updated as new information arrives - check back often!

Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Information

PhotoM. Eileen Dougherty, CTFA, CFP®, AEP®, ChFC®
Semper Trust Company
Plymouth Meeting Pennsylvania

The Accredited Estate Planner® (AEP®) designation is a graduate level accreditation in estate planning obtained in addition to already recognized professional credentials within the various disciplines that make up estate planning: attorneys, accountants, insurance and financial planners and trust officers. The only multi-disciplinary designation in estate planning, it is awarded to estate planning professionals who meet special requirements of education, experience, knowledge, professional reputation, and character. See more details and download an application form.

Why should you earn the AEP® designation?

  • Gain a competitive edge...success requires setting yourself apart from the competition
  • Give the public a way to identify you as a qualified professional estate planner who has the expertise and experience necessary to handle complex estate planning and/or business succession needs
  • Acquire access to potential clients through our national searchable database
  • Tap into the resources of the NAEPC and special members' only benefits
  • Expand your networking opportunities with other estate planning professionals from across the country by attending our annual national conference and earn all of your estate planning hours required to keep the AEP® designation active and in good standing

NAEPC would like to congratulate the newest Accredited Estate Planner® designees:

Brenda S. Baltrusch, CFP®, CTFA, AEP® Everett, WA
George Wakefield Buxton, JD, LL.M. (estate planning), MBA, AEP® Yorktown, VA
Harry C. Calivas, CFP®, AEP®, Surprise, AZ
David B. Cohen, CPA, AEP® San Diego, CA
William A. Conway, JD, AEP® McLean, VA
Karl J. Feitelberg, CLU®, ChFC®, TEP, AEP® Hingham, MA
Diane L. Graca, CFP®, RFC®, CLTC, AEP® North Attleboro, MA
Dennis B. Hesselink, CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, LUTCF, AEP® Cheboygan, MI
Susan Hollingsworth, CPA, AEP® Modesto, CA
Karen Keppler, JD, EPLS, AEP® New York, NY
Eric Charles Kordsmeier, CFP, MBA, AEP® Dallas, TX
Randall T. Lehman, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® Fort Wayne, IN
Luther A. Lockwood, II, CLU®, ChFC®, RHU, BBA, AEP® Charlotte, NC
Mitchell R. Marcus, CLU®, AEP® Hingham, MA
Lanny K. Marks, CPA, CFP®, AEP® Boca Raton, FL
William Craig Miller, CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, AEP® Boca Raton, FL
Colleen D. O'Connell, JD, AEP® Bedford, NH
Frederic Thomas O'Hara, CLU®, ChFC®, MSFS, AEP® Stuart, FL
N. William O'Keefe, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® St. Clair Shores, MI
Michael P. Panebianco, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® Portsmouth, NH
Parag P. Patel, JD, LL.M. (taxation), EPLS, AEP® Iselin, NJ
Robert Peixoto, CTFA, MBA, AEP® Raynham, MA
Peter A. Racen, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® Chesterfield, MO
Mitchell G. Rubin, CFP, AEP® Katy, TX
James F. Simpson, Jr., CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® Macon, GA
Peter C. Sisson, JD, EPLS, AEP® Boise, ID
Debra D. Spain, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® Montgomery, AL

Member Benefits, Programs & Services

NAEPC strives to offer our designees, councils and the affiliated local council membership high quality benefits, programs and services at value pricing. We continually look for opportunities that will enhance the value of your membership and make your practice more efficient.

We are very proud to make the following benefits available to you at reduced prices or substantial discounts:

  • NAEPC Journal of Estate & Tax Planning
  • ABA Book Publishing / The ABA Checklist for Family Heirs�
  • Acquire Direct Marketing
  • Adams-Hall Publishing / A Parent's Guide to Wills and Trusts�
  • Advisys
  • AfterSteps
  • Amicus Creative Media & Legal Vault
  • Business Valuation Resources, LLC
  • CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business
  • Charitable Planning Desk Reference for Advisors / Strategic Philanthropy
  • Civic Research Institute (Family Foundation Advisor & Journal of Taxation of Investments)
  • CiviCom
  • Discuss Directives, LLC / Heart2Hearts Workbook & Deck of Cards
  • DocuBank
  • Estate ++, created by Vaulting Systems International
  • Estate Planning Smarts�
  • Evaluation Services Inc.
  • Family Business Magazine
  • Florida Domicile Handbook
  • Interactive Legal Systems / Wealth Transfer Planning
  • Klark Proposal Software
  • Konica Minolta Business Solutions
  • LegacyQuest, LLC
  • Midwest Transaction Group
  • My Estate Planning Organizer and Financial Partner
  • Private Wealth Magazine
  • PS Awards
  • Robert Keebler's Exclusive IRA Converstion Decision Chart & Health Care Surtax Chart
  • Ruby Receptionists
  • Sterling Cut Glass
  • The Complete Guide to Business Succession Planning offered by Foxmoor Continuing Education
  • Trusts & Estates
  • Wealth Management Business

Please remember� all members must utilize a user name/password to access detailed ordering links and information. If you are an At-large member or member of a council that utilizes passwords on a website hosted by NAEPC, you can use the "I forgot my password" option. Others should contact NAEPC with questions about the appropriate user name/password combination.

This committee is in need of volunteers! The group meets monthly on an as-needed basis to review product applications received from potential partners and is asked to refer potential value partners to NAEPC to complete the application process.

Council Relations Committee Updates

Joanna Averett, MBA, CFP®, CIF®, AEP®
First American Trust
San Bernardino, CA

In January, 2011, Joe Falanga, CPA, president of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils, began to consider the impact if Congress extended the $5,000,000 per taxpayer wealth transfer tax exclusion beyond 2012 and how that might change the nature of estate planning for practitioners who may find themselves doing something very different in the future. Joe also began to consider what the future make-up and direction of the member councils of NAEPC might be. Accordingly, with the approval of the executive Committee, Clark McCleary was asked to chair a Futures Task Force with the intent of providing a sense of direction for our national organization and its more than 225 member councils.

Obtain a full copy of the report. Let us know what you think!


Estate Planning Law Specialist Designation Information

The Estate Planning Law Specialist (EPLS) designation is available to attorneys and is administered by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc., an attorney-run subsidiary of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Attorneys who become board-certified under this program demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to the concept of specialization. This program is currently the only program, other than certain state bar association programs which are only for residents of their particular states, accredited by the American Bar Association to Board-certify attorneys as Estate Planning Law Specialists.

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If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits, please be sure to subscribe for more frequent communications.

National Association of Estate Planners & Councils  1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470  Cleveland, OH   44114
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