Message from the President
B. McCleary, CLU®, ChFC®, MSFS, AEP®
McCleary & Associates
Houston, Texas
Dear Colleagues,
I sometimes get a bit long-winded in writing these letters, so will try to stay
brief as I stress three matters of importance:
- NAEPC and The NAEPC Education Foundation will present our 49th Annual
Conference on November 7-9 at the Buena Vista Palace in Orlando. The
educational programs on Thursday and Friday feature a star-studded cast of
speakers addressing timely and interesting topics; Council Leadership Day on
Wednesday is guaranteed to provide local council leaders with
ideas that will help make your councils even more effective and successful;
the Companion Program will be the best ever; and the Welcome Reception on
Wednesday evening and the Exhibit Hall visits on Thursday and Friday will
afford opportunities to meet with old friends and make new ones. Please
click the National Conference icon for full details and registration
information. I look forward to seeing you there!
- You are probably aware that Val Sabuco, Executive Director of The NAEPC
Education Foundation, played a significant role in the Presidential
Proclamation naming the third week in October NATIONAL ESTATE PLANNING
AWARENESS WEEK (NEPAW). What you may not know is that both NAEPC and The
Foundation have a multitude of programs already developed to enable your
council to provide programs in your community that will increase public
awareness about what constitutes estate planning and who best to provide
estate planning services. For information on how you and your council can
participate, log on to
http://www.naepc.org/estate_planning_week.web or call 866-226-2224.
- Do you know that the degree(s) and/or designation(s) that you have
earned and the years of experience you have enjoyed probably qualify you for
the prestigious Accredited Estate Planner® (AEP®) designation conferred by
NAEPC? To learn more, click on
http://www.naepc.org/estate_planners.web or call Susan Austin Carney,
Designation Administrator, at our Cleveland headquarters (866-226-2224).
Join the ever increasing ranks of your fellow professionals who proudly
display their AEP® designation to announce to their clients and their
communities that they support the professional team concept of estate
That's it for this month. I look forward to seeing you in Orlando in November!

49th Annual
Conference scheduled from November 7-9, 2012
in Orlando, Florida
NAEPC / The NAEPC Education Foundation 49th Annual Conference is scheduled from
November 7 – 9, 2012 in Orlando, Florida. The full registration brochure, online
reservation links, and general information can be found at
http://www.naepc.org/convention.web. The $50 early bird discount expires
Friday, September 14, 2012… don't delay in
making your reservation.
The Annual Conference has become the "go-to" event for estate
planners throughout the country! Our exciting line-up of nationally-recognized
speakers, coupled with a fabulous location and incredibly competitive
registration and guest room fees, make the 49th Annual Conference an event that
is not to be missed. With the addition of national continuing education credit
in 2009*, the event has become a signature program within the estate planning
Sponsorships are still available! The 49th Annual Conference
provides a unique and affordable opportunity to reach estate planners through
sponsorships of the annual conference. Those that have an interest can review
conference sponsor kit or contact
Jim@naepc.org for more details.
It's not too early to plan for 2013...the 50th Annual Conference
will take place November 20-22, 2013 in Las Vegas! Please join the celebration
and plan on attending!
*Continuing education credit will be available for AEP®
designees and will be requested nationwide for accountants, insurance
professionals, attorneys, Certified Financial Planners® and Certified Trust and
Financial Advisors. Approval status can be found online at
Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Information
Eileen Dougherty, CTFA, CFP®, AEP®, ChFC®
Semper Trust Company
King of Prussia, PA
It's August, and savvy AEP®s are making their travel arrangements for the
49th Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida from November 7-9, 2012. As smart
shoppers they know that early planning results in two great discounts; the
normal $50 discount available to all active AEP®s attending the conference PLUS
the limited time EARLY BIRD discount of $50 for those registering BEFORE
9/14/12. A review of the
conference information reflects top-flight speakers and timely topics that
currently impact your clients (or may in the near future).
I am delighted that AEP®s will have exclusive access to a special session on
Thursday November 8, 2012 from 5:00 to 6:00 PM conducted by the multi-talented
Albert E. Gibbons, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® titled "How AEP® Designees Can Work
Effectively as Collaborative Teams and Why They Are Essential for High Net Worth
Clients". If I sound excited about the conference it's because I see it as a
great opportunity not just for AEP®s but for all NAEPC members and their
professional colleagues to benefit from the networking and educational
opportunities. I have already registered and I look forward to seeing
you there.
The AEP® Committee is delighted to see the number of new AEP® applications
during the busy summer months. As always, please contact our Designation
Administrator, Susan Austin-Carney, JD, at 866-226-2224 if you have any
questions about the AEP® application process.
Please join NAEPC in congratulating the newest recipients of the Accredited
Estate Planner® designation:
James S. Aussem, JD, AEP® |
Cleveland, OH |
Colleen Kit Callahan, ChFC®, CLU®, AEP® |
San Diego, CA |
Katti Esp, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® |
Bellingham, WA |
Daniel J. Flanagan, CPA/PFS, CFP®, AEP® |
Lexington, MA |
Joshua Brent Geib, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP® |
Delray Beach, FL |
Virginia Hammerle, JD, AEP® |
Lewisville, TX |
Timothy P. Hammond, CFP®, AEP® |
Phoenix, AZ |
Kenneth B. Knox, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® |
Westwood, MA |
Jon A. Law, CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, CLTC, AEP® |
Syracuse, NY |
Larry L. Rothstein, CLU®, AEP® |
Cleveland, OH |
Sandra T. Saner, CFP®, CTFA, CAIA, AEP® |
Boston, MA |
Daniel M. Sierchio, CPA/PFS, AEP® |
Lansdale, PA |
George E. Willock, CLU®, LUTCF, CAP®, AEP® |
Auburn, AL |
National Estate Planning Awareness Week
Please join 2012 distinguished honorary co-chairpersons Jonathan
Blattmachr, Esq., AEP® (Distinguished), recognized as one of the country's most
creative trust and estate lawyers, author and speaker; and Janet Novack, leading
financial journalist, exceptional communicator, and the Washington D.C. Bureau
Chief & Executive Editor for Forbes, leading financial service
associations and organizations, and the press, in a concentrated media campaign
by promoting financial awareness during National Estate Planning Week, the third
week in October (15-21).
This significant public service was initiated by Congressman
Mike Thompson and 49 of his colleagues. See a full version of
H. Res 1499 along with the names of the co-sponsors.
Here are some ways you can participate:
Encourage your council and other groups to host
community-wide programs built around estate and financial planning during
the months of October and April (National Financial Literacy Month).
Add estate and financial planning editorial content to your
website, newsletter, social media groups, local newspapers, and
radio/television/web-based shows. During the months of October and April you
are welcome to use, at no cost, any of the financial and estate planning
feature articles from
www.EstatePlanningAnswers.org as content or research for your content
for your website, newsletter, and magazines.
Circulate the 2012 NEPAW-NFLM Media Kit to colleagues,
associates, and other parties as you see appropriate.
See a
full kit and downloadable documents. Take a look today!
If you would like additional information about National Estate
Planning Awareness Week and National Financial Literacy Month, or to receive
complimentary estate and financial planning content, a link for your website, or
serve as a volunteer on The NAEPC Education Foundation National Estate and
Financial Awareness Committee, please contact The NAEPC Education Foundation's
executive director/publisher:
Valentino Sabuco, CFP®, AEP®
Member Benefits, Programs & Services
NAEPC strives to offer our designees, councils and the affiliated local council membership high quality benefits, programs and services at value pricing. We continually look for opportunities that will enhance the value of your membership and make your practice more efficient.
The National Association of Estate Planners & Councils Member Benefits
Committee is excited to announce the launch of its new "Elite Value Partner"
status. This new initiative offers existing value partners an opportunity to
support the association and its membership in an advanced manner and, in return,
offers expanded recognition. An Elite Value Partner offers additional visibility
to NAEPC member councils and their members through expanded recognition within
the various activities of NAEPC. Watch this newsletter for additional
information in the upcoming issues.
New Benefits
CB Data™
CareBinders' goal is to help with what we call "Generational Organizing"—giving individuals and families the peace of mind for easy transitions when (not
if) those inevitable crises and natural disasters occur.
- It reminds and alerts users to important things in their lives that need to be
- An unlimited number of profiles can be created: store data for just one person
or each member of a family!
- Important data is entered once and CBData® instantly places it in all the
appropriate places.
- Copies of important documents can be scanned/attached and data can be easily
imported from other programs
- Intelligent reports and all their data can be instantly created in PDFs, Rich
Text and even Excel and used with doctors, lawyers, accountants, employers &
- CBData™ supports strong user-control and user-permissioning by user and allows
for trusted advisors to access certain sections on a read-only basis, if desired
- There's no connection to the Internet; all data is protected by the highest
levels of security
Order CBData™ today and have one place to keep track of important items like:
Account numbers—banks, brokerage & more
Art collections and collectibles
Copies/scans of all important documents
Credit cards
Dates, Appointments, Meetings
Emergency contacts
Emergency medical information, inc. history
Home inventories and collectibles
Insurance policies and other critical documents
Location of documents or personal belongings
Multiple residences, inc. commercial property
Passwords and secure locations
Service providers/vendors
Vaccines and Immunizations
Vital statistics
CBData is the all-in-one tool to help simplify your, and your client's, lives!
Special pricing is available for NAEPC members. See
complete details about this benefit.
International Genealogical Search, Inc.
At International Genealogical Search Inc. (IGS), We Find Missing Heirs A
Better Way®. IGS has proudly provided its better way search services to the
Legal Profession and Trust Institutions since 1967.
We think that you would agree, no one should have to give away as much as 1/3,
or more, of their inheritance… just to be located!
The heirs that you represent in a fiduciary capacity probably wouldn't
willingly make that choice. However, unreasonable heir tracing fees of that
magnitude could be the unintended consequence when search firms independently
look for missing heirs and, once found, sign them to contracts for a significant
percentage of their inheritance.
There is a Better Way to search for missing heirs! IGS fees are reasonable
and non-percentage based, quoted in advance and a search is only undertaken upon
your written authorization.
It is also our focus at IGS to advance education and awareness to the estate
planning community on the different fee structures and varying search firm
practices in the heir search industry.
To receive a complimentary Laminated Consanguinity Chart or request a no
obligation quote, contact IGS at 800-663-2255 or
igs@heirsearch.com. The IGS Laminated
Consanguinity Chart is a great resource to reference when meeting with clients
or to use as an educational tool in seminars.
complete details about this benefit.
Wall Street-Themed Greeting Cards
Send a smile to the special investor in your life with these funny, stylish
and premium greeting cards brought to you by nationally syndicated Wall Street
cartoonist Jack Guinan.
Cards are for all occasions: Holiday, Birthday, Get Well, Congratulations and
Buy specific occasion cards or in assorted box sets; then customize them to
fit your needs. Customization is available inside the card, on the back of the
card, or both. So, whether you're sending cards for business or personal use, a
gift box of CureSearch customized greetings lets friends, family and
valued clients know that you care about them.
complete details about this benefit.
Featured Benefit
WealthManagement.com is a community destination developed by Penton Media's
Wealth Management Group who produces two of the leading financial trade
publications, Registered Rep. and Trusts & Estates.
As a community member you will have the ability to establish a profile that
will give you valuable targeted exposure to the community. You will also have
ongoing access to Penton's financial service properties and expertise which
includes a Concierge Program that will support you as needed to effectively
market to your prime audience in a way no other website can offer.
The Concierge Program can provide you with an initial competitive analysis so
you can gauge the market and where you're currently positioned. Penton is then
able to help you develop content including white-papers, press releases, videos
and webinars. Content can then be plugged into a lead generation program like an
eblast or newsletter and distributed to a database of over 280,000
Because of this new partnership, NAEPC members and members of affiliated
local councils can take advantage of a 50% discount on Gold and Platinum
Community Profiles!
complete details about this benefit. |
We are very proud to make the following benefits available to you, the
members of our affiliated local councils, at reduced prices or substantial
- Acquire Direct Marketing
- Advisys
- AfterSteps
- Amicus Creative Media
- BizActions LLC
- Business Valuation Resources, LLC
- Charitable Planning Desk Reference for Advisors / Strategic Philanthropy
- CrummeyService
- Discuss Directives, LLC - Heart2Heart Workbook & Deck of Cards
- DocuBank
- Estate Planning Smarts
- EstatePlanningBinders.com
- Family Business Magazine
- Florida Domicile Handbook
- Klark Proposal Software
- Konica Minolta Business Solutions
- LegacyQuest, LLC
- Legal Vault
- Midwest Transaction Group
- My Perfect Will
- Oswald Companies Personal Excess Liability
- Private Wealth Magazine
- PS Awards
- Ruby Receptionists
- Sterling Cut Glass
- The ABA Checklist for Family Heirs...
- Trusts & Estates
- WealthManagement.com
Please remember… all members must utilize a user name/password to access
detailed ordering links and information. If you are an At-large member or member
of a council that utilizes passwords on a website hosted by NAEPC, you can use
the "I forgot my password" option. Others should contact NAEPC with questions
about the appropriate user name/password combination.
Estate Planning Law Specialist Designation Information
The Estate Planning Law Specialist (EPLS) designation is available to attorneys and is administered by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc., an attorney-run subsidiary of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Attorneys who become board-certified under this program demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to the concept of specialization. This program is currently the only program, other than certain state bar association programs which are only for residents of their particular states, accredited by the American Bar Association to Board-certify attorneys as Estate Planning Law Specialists.
Get Involved!
Talented Volunteers Needed!
NAEPC is a dynamic and growing association comprised of affiliated local
estate planning councils, their 27,000 members, and Accredited Estate Planner®
designees, led entirely by a volunteer board of directors, a strong committee
configuration, and many volunteers serving on an as-needed basis for
project-based or task force work. We are always looking to expand our volunteer
base and encourage council leaders, council members, and designees to get
involved by serving on one or more committee. Visit our website for a
list of committees and an
Subscription Options
You are receiving this message because of your affiliation
with NAEPC or because your local estate planning council
asked for its members to be included, no more frequently than
six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like this one, please
use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about
the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits,
please be sure to
subscribe for more frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216)
696-2582 ~ E-Mail:
2012, All Rights Reserved.
See Privacy Policy.