This Just In...
Looking to access NAEPC and affiliated local councils on the go? We've got
your answer (and a chance to WIN a complimentary registration to the
Annual Conference). Download the FREE NAEPC App for iOS and Android today!
Once downloaded, tap the "contest" icon and complete the form to be entered
into a drawing to win a complimentary Council Leadership Day or Educational
Package registration to the 50th Annual Conference this November 20 – 22,
2013 in Las Vegas*.
*NAEPC must receive contest entry by March 31, 2013 to
qualify. |
Message from the President
Averett, MBA, CFP®, AIF®, AEP®
First American Trust
San Bernardino, California
Dear Friends:
As we start 2013, it is with much excitement that I announce the launch of a
new technology initiative for the association—an app designed especially for
the member on the go! This exciting new mobile application will allow council
members access to councils, designees, the Journal, and general information
while on the go. Download the app today and complete the "contest" form for your
opportunity to win
complimentary registration to the 50th Annual Conference. The
contest entry must be received by March 31, 2013 to qualify so don't delay! On a
separate note, I wish to express my thanks to the Website & Technology Committee
and App Task Force for their assistance in creating this new, valuable tool!
With April and October approaching faster than we might wish, I would like to encourage
you and your affiliated local estate planning council to begin thinking about
and planning for National Financial Literacy Month and National Estate Planning Awareness Week. This annual event
provides the most perfect opportunity to reach out to clients, colleagues, and
friends with a gentle reminder about the need for estate planning by a qualified
team of individuals. More information about NFLM and NEPAW can be found below within
NAEPC Education Foundation Corner of this newsletter.
Finally, please do consider attending the upcoming 50th Annual Conference. We
will join together to celebrate 50 years of fantastic conferences and education,
quite a milestone for any association! The annual conference program is the
perfect opportunity to gather your yearly continuing education requirement, meet
and network with council members from around the country, and, if you are a
council leader, spend just a bit of time talking to other estate planning
councils. The conference is scheduled from November 20-22, 2013 in Las Vegas—place the date on your calendar today!

50th Annual
N. Rosen, CPA, MS (taxation), AEP®
Belfint, Lyons & Shuman, PA
Wilmington, Delaware
With a successful 49th Annual Conference and a record attendance behind us,
the Conference Planning Committee is hard at work planning our
50th Anniversary Conference
on November 20-22, 2013 at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas hotel and casino. We
promise a great lineup of speakers covering the latest estate and trust tax
changes and planning techniques, new afternoon breakout sessions on Thursday and
Friday, as well as exciting events to celebrate our big Five-O. Mark your
calendar now!
If your company is looking for a great opportunity for exposure to a wide
range of estate, trust, insurance and financial planning professionals, please
consider being a corporate sponsor. Sponsorships start as low as $1,250, with
generous benefits for certain higher levels of support. For further information,
download a sponsorship kit.
We look forward to seeing you in November. Viva Las Vegas!
Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Information
Eileen Dougherty, CTFA, CFP®, AEP®, ChFC®
Hawthorn - PNC Family Wealth
Philadelphia, PA
For all my fellow professionals who burned the midnight oil until the very
last minute of 2012, delivering to your clients the best possible service and
advice, BRAVO for a job well done! With new tax legislation to digest you have a
renewed opportunity to bring value to your clients by giving them the time and
attention you may not have had available at year-end. With the holiday break
behind us we are all making plans for a wonderful 2013. As you are busy making
plans for this new year, may I make a few suggestions?
- Consider putting our 50th Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada on
November 20-22, 2013 on your agenda. The cost is budget-friendly,
particularly when you review the quality of the speakers and the vast
content covered in their presentations. And since this is our 50th annual
educational event, expect a bit of merriment!
- If you have been considering the next step in your career development,
why not consider the AEP® designation? We think the following items should
be considered when making this decision as obtaining the designation
provides a unique opportunity to:
- Gain a competitive edge...success requires setting yourself apart
from the competition
- Give the public a way to identify you as a qualified professional
estate planner who has the expertise and experience necessary to handle
complex estate planning and/or business succession needs
- Acquire access to potential clients through our national searchable
- Tap into the resources of the NAEPC and special members' only
- If you are already an AEP®, please consider referring a friend. Our
strength is derived from the quality of our membership, their continued
commitment to the team concept of estate planning, and high standards of
excellence. We continue to be energized by the enthusiasm of our 1,650+
members and appreciate the ideas and feedback we receive from them.
I would be remiss if I did not offer my most sincere thanks to the AEP®
Designation Committee for their hard work in 2012! Thank you, committee, for a
job well done!
NAEPC would like to congratulate the newest Accredited Estate Planner®
designees on their achievement:
Keith Atneosen, CFP®, AEP® |
Bothell, WA |
Lawrence K. Bogar, ChFC®, AEP® |
New York, NY |
Brett G. Chesmar, CFP®, CTFA, AEP® |
Wilmington, DE |
Joel Koenig, CLU®, AEP® |
Chevy Chase, MD |
Lawrence J. Macklin, JD, CPA, AEP® |
Baltimore, MD |
Ganon J. Studenberg, JD, LL.M. (estate planning), AEP® |
Melbourne, FL |
Robert E. Tarcza, JD, AEP® |
New Orleans, LA |
Scott Zurat, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL, AEP® |
Fairport, NY |
Council Relations
Committee Report
S. Viren, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®
Viren & Associates, Inc.
The Council Relations Committee is responsible for being the direct contact
for the 230+ councils currently affiliated with NAEPC. This active committee,
comprised of 21 engaged volunteers, is assigned regional territories and tasked
with making certain each council is taking full advantage of their membership in
NAEPC and, as a result, the 27,000 individual members of these councils are
doing so as well.
The committee is trained to provide the local council assistance with regard
to using benefits, programs, and services offered through membership in NAEPC
and to encourage participation in the following initiatives:
- "Every Council Campaign"–which allows the NAEPC contact with the local
membership through this newsletter
- The AEP designation and council nomination program
- Website platforms and support
- The Annual Conference
- Member benefits
- National Financial Literacy Month (April)
- National Estate Planning Awareness Week (3rd week in October)
We appreciate the work of these dedicated volunteers and their efforts in
communicating with the local Councils. If you are a council leader, please
welcome their call when they reach out to you. Members of affiliated local
councils that have questions about NAEPC are encouraged to reach out directly to
the national office at any time.
Member Benefits, Programs & Services
NAEPC strives to offer our designees, councils, and the affiliated local
council membership high-quality benefits, programs and services at value
pricing. We continually look for opportunities that will enhance the value of
your membership and make your practice more efficient.
We are very proud to make the following benefits available to you, the
members of our affiliated local councils, at reduced prices or substantial
discounts. A brief description of each product or program can be found online in
the member benefits section of our website, along with pricing and ordering
information. Some of the resources are even complimentary—take a look today!
- ABA Book Publishing / The ABA Checklist for Family Heirs
- Acquire Direct Marketing
- Advisys
- American Dream Planner LLC
- Amicus Creative Media & Legal Vault
- BizActions LLC
- Business Valuation Resources, LLC
- CBData™
- Charitable Planning Desk Reference for Advisors / Strategic Philanthropy
- CrummeyService
- Discuss Directives, LLC - Heart2Heart Workbook & Deck of Cards
- DocuBank
- Estate Planning Smarts / Pensworth
- EstatePlanningBinders.com
- Family Business Magazine
- Fiserv Investment Services
- Florida Domicile Handbook
- International Genealogical Search Inc.
- Klark Proposal Software
- Konica Minolta Business Solutions
- Lawgic, LLC
- LegacyQuest, LLC
- Midwest Transaction Group
- My Perfect Will
- My Personal DataSafe LLC
- Oswald Companies Personal Excess Liability
- Private Wealth Magazine
- PS Awards
- Ruby Receptionists
- Sterling Cut Glass
- The Ultimate Estate Planner
- Trusts & Estates
- Wall Street Cards
- WealthManagement.com
Please remember... all members must utilize a user name/password to access
detailed ordering links and information. If you are an At-large member or member
of a council that utilizes passwords on a website hosted by NAEPC, you can use
the "I forgot my password" option. Others should contact NAEPC with questions
about the appropriate user name/password combination.
The NAEPC Education Foundation Corner
Sabuco, CFP®, AEP®
Executive Director & Publisher
(707) 322-1597
Happy New Year!
We are starting off the New Year with new tax laws and have also just
received the first grant approval for 2013 from the Morgan Stanley Foundation! I
wish to thank NAEPC board member, S. Mark Alton, for his assistance in obtaining this very important
We are working on financial awareness campaigns for 2013, starting with
National Financial Literacy Month in April. Please join our distinguished 2013
honorary co-chairpersons Jonathan Blattmachr, Esq., AEP® (Distinguished),
recognized as one of the country's most creative trusts and estates lawyers,
author and speaker; and Janet Novack, leading financial journalist, exceptional
communicator, and the Washington D.C. Bureau Chief & Executive Editor for
Forbes, in participating in National Financial Literacy Month. The Stelter Group and Martin M.
Shenkman, CPA, MBA, PFS, AEP®, JD will be offering live webinars. For more
information, click here:
http://www.naepc.org/estate_planning_week.web or on the public portal at
Campaign goals for 2013 include increasing our councils' interest and
participation through fun competitions and involving at least five new major
financial service companies, non profits, and media companies to actively
support National Financial Literacy Month and National Estate Planning Awareness
Week. What do you, your firm, and your council have in mind for April and
We are working on updating our public content at
with the new tax laws and have started working with the Stelter Company on a
2013 research/white paper that will add new insight to the 2012 Stelter Donor
Insight Report found online at
We've also launched our 2013 NAEPC Education Foundation Capital Campaign. Our
goal is to earn the support and assistance from 100% of NAEPC's 230 affiliated
local estate planning councils and their 27,000 members, as doing so will allow us
to build The NAEPC Education Foundation into the ‘foundation of choice'
for estate planning professionals. Please help us by making a generous
contribution of time and money from your council, as an individual, and by
asking your companies about grants and/or donation matching to help support the
capital campaign and programs.
Many companies provide charitable contributions to organizations that its
employees and retirees spend volunteer and service time on. If you company
provides such a community service benefit, your volunteer time spent with The
NAEPC Education Foundation or with NAEPC can earn double benefits. Check with
your HR department to see if they have such a program. If not, see what it would
take to establish one.
Your generous donation of time or money will help provide infrastructure and
tools to continue increasing financial awareness and financial literacy by
educating and motivating the public to take appropriate action to improve their
financial wellbeing while driving new business to you, members of your
NAEPC-affiliated local council, AEP® designees, and financial service companies.
These achievements will make every donor proud, help our economy, and improve
everyone's financial lifestyle. You can make a
direct contribution
If you or a client would like to make a planned giving gift or bequest, or to
learn more about us and how you can make a ‘meaningful difference',
please contact me directly at V.Sabuco@TheNAEPCEF.org
(707) 322-1597.
Thank you for your assistance and support.

Valentino Sabuco, CFP®, AEP®
Executive Director & Publisher
Estate Planning Law Specialist Designation Information
The Estate Planning Law Specialist (EPLS) designation is available to attorneys and is administered by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc., an attorney-run subsidiary of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Attorneys who become board-certified under this program demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to the concept of specialization. This program is currently the only program, other than certain state bar association programs which are only for residents of their particular states, accredited by the American Bar Association to Board-certify attorneys as Estate Planning Law Specialists.
Get Involved!
Talented Volunteers Needed!
NAEPC is a dynamic and growing association comprised of affiliated local estate planning councils, their 27,000 members, and Accredited Estate Planner® designees, led entirely by a volunteer board of directors, a strong committee configuration, and many volunteers serving on an as-needed basis for project-based or task force work. We are always looking to expand our volunteer base and encourage council leaders, council members, and designees to get involved by serving on one or more committee. Visit our website for a list of committees and an application.
Subscription Options
You are receiving this message because of your affiliation
with NAEPC or because your local estate planning council
asked for its members to be included, no more frequently than
six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like this one, please
use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about
the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits,
please be sure to
subscribe for more frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216)
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2013, All Rights Reserved.
See Privacy Policy.