Message from the President |
Averett, MBA, CFP®, AIF®, AEP®
First American Trust
San Bernardino, California
Dear Friends:
It is just about half of the way through my term as president of this organization and I find myself reflecting on what this association does that is important, and what sets us apart from the rest. I believe I have narrowed it down to two activities for this newsletter, which was certainly no easy task! Before I get started explaining those initiatives, I do want to remind you that nominations for the board of directors are open until July 5, 2013. Please contact our national office if you are interested in receiving the packet of information.
The 50th Annual Conference of NAEPC and The NAEPC Education Foundation may be the best kept secret in conferences! Our annual signature event serves two purposes; a leadership development program for council leaders and two full days of technical education which are appropriate for anyone reading this newsletter! The annual conference offers so many benefits: an intimate setting with access to nationally-known presenters; two full days of continuing education and credit; an excellent companion program; and possibly one of the most exciting locations on earth – Las Vegas! Please consider joining us for this special anniversary year, you won't be sorry! Full conference information can be found online or by reading more below.
The second activity is National Estate Planning Awareness Week. The NAEPC Education Foundation was formed in 2005 with a goal of educating the public about the need for estate planning by a qualified team of individuals. National Estate Planning Awareness Week (NEPAW) does just that. We will accomplish this goal through programs hosted by affiliated local estate planning councils educating the public. Please talk to the leadership of your affiliated local council about hosting a program, discuss NEPAW with colleagues and friends, and start thinking about how you can promote this increasingly-important event to your clients. Please read more about NEPAW below in the "Foundation Corner" of this issue of NAEPC News.
In closing, it is truly my honor to serve as your president this year and in this role I welcome your input. As a member of an affiliated local council, I encourage you to contact me directly if you have thoughts or ideas that may be important to our association.

50th Annual
N. Rosen
CPA, MS (taxation), AEP®
Belfint, Lyons & Shuman, PA
Wilmington, Delaware

On July 1st we will be 143 days away from what is not only our single, signature, annual event, but also an especially exciting 50th anniversary of the annual conference. Please do consider joining us for this milestone, you won't be disappointed. The annual conference offers:
- 1 private session just for Accredited Estate Planner® designees hosted by Stephan R. Leimberg, JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
- +3 full days of networking opportunities with other attendees and conference supporters
- +3 days of companion programs
- +7, the middle number of our exceptionally low room rate at The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas ($179/night)
- +17 educational sessions, including breakouts
- +19 nationally-recognized presenters and a unique and intimate opportunity to meet and speak with many of them throughout the program
All of this equals 50 years of excellence in education and conference programming!
Complete information about the 50th Annual Conference, including the early bird registration materials, can be found online at http://www.naepc.org/conference.
NAEPC offers a unique and affordable opportunity to connect with attendees at the annual conference. In addition, many of these attendees report back to their affiliated local estate planning council about their experience! Don't miss your opportunity to participate in NAEPC's only national, face-to-face meeting each year – contact Ed Socorro at ESocorro@NAEPCmarketing.org or 312-600-5303 if you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting.
Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Information
Eileen Dougherty, CTFA, CFP®, AEP®, ChFC®
Hawthorn - PNC Family Wealth
Philadelphia, PA
Our designee family continues to expand in 2013 with 53 accepted or pending new AEP® members so far this year. Look for the names of the newest designees at the end of this message and please greet them warmly when you see them at your affiliated local estate planning council meetings or at the upcoming conference this November in Las Vegas. We are delighted to welcome Stephan R. Leimberg, JD, AEP® (Distinguished) as he helps us carry on the tradition of a private session just for active designees. This year's topic is Steve's famous program "Six Magic Steps to Power Marketing."
Not an AEP® yet? Not to worry, visit http://www.naepc.org/designations/estate-planners to find information about the designation and its requirements. An AEP® already? You can take an additional $50 off the conference registration fee!
Why should you earn the AEP® designation?
- Gain a competitive edge...success requires setting yourself apart from
the competition
- Give the public a way to identify you as a qualified professional estate
planner who has the expertise and experience necessary to handle complex
estate planning and/or business succession needs
- Acquire access to potential clients through our national searchable
- Tap into the resources of the NAEPC and special members' only benefits
- Expand your networking opportunities with other estate planning professionals from across the country by attending our annual national conference and earn all of your estate planning hours required to keep the AEP® designation active and in good standing
Please join me in congratulating the newest Accredited Estate Planner® designees:
William T. Baldwin, JD, LL.M (taxation), AEP® |
Waltham, MA |
Frederick L. Brown, CLU®, ChFC®, MSFS, AEP® |
Pottstown, PA |
John M. Byrne, JD, AEP® |
Los Angeles, CA |
Mark D. Dalen, CFP®, BSME, AEP® |
Olathe, KS |
Mark R. Gagnon, CFP®, CRPC, AEP® |
Bedford, NH |
John A. Heisler,, JD, AEP® |
Sioux Falls, SD |
John J. Kersey, CFS, AEP® |
Cincinnati, OH |
Allan F. Koswick, CLU®, CFP®, AEP® |
Boston, MA |
Charles J. Labin, CPA, EA, CVA, CFP®, AEP® |
Manahawkin, NJ |
Jeffrey B. Marks, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® |
Colorado Springs, CO |
Anu R. Mullikin, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® |
Manchester, NH |
Ali A. Nasser, CFP®, ChFC®, AEP® |
Houston, TX |
William Jackson Parsons, III, CTFA, AEP® |
Alpharetta, GA |
Cedric P. Powell, MBA, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL, AEP® |
Tampa, FL |
Michael David Schulman, CPA, PFS, CLTC, AEP® |
Central Valley, NY |
Tucker M. Smith, CFP®, CTFA, CWS®, AWMA, AEP® |
Phoenix, AZ |
Joy T. Soulier, CPA, MBA, CLPF, AEP® |
Oakland, CA |
Charles C. Spence, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® |
Durango, CO |
John Francis Stadsvold, CTFA, AAMS, AWMA, AEP® |
Thousand Oaks, CA |
Robert J. Storti, MBA, JD, CFP®, AEP® |
Melville, NY |
Daniel L. Tasciotti, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, MBA, AEP® |
Miami, FL |
Tolen C. Teigen, CFA, CFP®, ChFC®, CASL, AEP® |
San Diego, CA |
Luke P. Travis, JD, AEP® |
Fall River, MA |
Deborah L. Wetzel, CTFA, AEP® |
Reno, NV |
regory D. Thomas, CPA, CIC, LUTCF, MBA, AEP® |
Naples, FL |
Jeffrey M. Turner, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, MBA, AEP® |
Chattanooga, TN |
John M. Woleben, Jr., B.S., CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® |
Virginia Beach, VA |
Deborah A. Yeats, CFP®, AEP® |
Boulder, CO |
Council Relations
Committee Report
S. Viren, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®
Viren & Associates, Inc.
Our dedicated volunteers are having a great time connecting with the affiliated local estate planning councils in their territories. Sharing ideas and encouraging each council's success is a vital part of what we do. This spring we are committed to building the number of councils to 250, which will be a record number in the history of the NAEPC. To date we have 209 paid councils, 12 new councils, 30 councils that have not yet renewed for this year and, believe it or not, there are 79 councils we know to be out there and not affiliated with NAEPC! In addition, we will undertake an initiative to ensure that all members of affiliated local councils receive this newsletter by working to increase enrollment in the Every Council Campaign.
We are proud that so many councils and their member advisors have chosen to partner with NAEPC; together we can add value and benefits to our clients and their lives.
Are you looking to get involved with NAEPC? Consider joining the Council Relations Committee! It's a great way to learn more about NAEPC and help contribute to the overall growth of your national organization. Visit http://www.naepc.org/about/volunteering for more information and an application. We are especially in need of volunteers in Connecticut, Florida (South), Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas (South), and Vermont.
Member Benefits, Programs & Services
All members of affiliated local councils have access to the growing list of benefits provided through the council's affiliation with NAEPC, a list of which appears below. You are encouraged to visit www.naepc.org to take a look today. As you browse, please remember that some benefits are password protected. For these special benefits members must utilize a user name/password to access detailed ordering links and information. If you are an At-large member or member of a council that utilizes passwords on a website hosted by NAEPC, you can use the "I forgot my password" option. Others should contact NAEPC with questions about the appropriate user name/password combination.
New Benefit
The National Underwriter Company
For well over a century, The National Underwriter Company has consistently been first in line with targeted tax, insurance, and financial planning information that professionals have come to rely upon when making critical business decisions.
Dedicated to putting accurate and relevant estate planning expertise at your fingertips, The National Underwriter Company offers such popular resources as: The Tools & Techniques of Estate Planning; Principles of Estate Planning; Tax Facts on Insurance & Employee Benefits; Tax Facts on Investments; Social Security & Medicare Facts; Healthcare Reform Facts; Tools & Techniques of Financial Planning; Field Guide to Estate Planning, Business Planning & Employee Benefits; and many more.
Withour host of both online and print resources, today's professionals are assured that as the industry continues to evolve, National Underwriter will remain at the forefront of change with the most up-to-date, authoritative, and easy-to-use resources available today. Visit the password-protected area of the NAEPC website to learn more.
Existing Benefits
- ABA Book Publishing / The ABA Checklist for Family Heirs
- Acquire Direct Marketing
- Advisys
- American Dream Planner LLC
- Amicus Creative Media & Legal Vault
- BizActions LLC
- Business Valuation Resources, LLC
- Cards for a Cure
- CBData™
- Charitable Planning Desk Reference for Advisors / Strategic Philanthropy
- CrummeyService
- Discuss Directives, LLC - Heart2Heart Workbook & Deck of Cards
- DocuBank
- Estate Planning Smarts / Pensworth
- EstatePlanningBinders.com
- Family Business Magazine
- Fiserv Investment Services
- Florida Domicile Handbook
- International Genealogical Search Inc.
- Klark Proposal Software
- Konica Minolta Business Solutions
- Lawgic, LLC
- LegacyQuest, LLC
- Midwest Transaction Group
- My Perfect Will
- My Personal DataSafe LLC
- Oswald Companies Personal Excess Liability
- Private Wealth Magazine
- PS Awards
- Ruby Receptionists
- Sterling Cut Glass
- The Ultimate Estate Planner
- Trusts & Estates
- WealthManagement.com
Please remember... all members must utilize a user name/password to access
detailed ordering links and information. If you are an At-large member or member
of a council that utilizes passwords on a website hosted by NAEPC, you can use
the "I forgot my password" option. Others should contact NAEPC with questions
about the appropriate user name/password combination.
The NAEPC Education Foundation Corner
Clark B. McCleary, CLU®, ChFC®, MSFS, AEP®
McCleary & Associates
First, I want to announce to those of you who have had contact or experience with The NAEPC Education Foundation that Val Sabuco has resigned as executive director of that organization. On behalf of the other 6 members of our board of directors and myself, I thank Val for the significant time, effort, and talent he has contributed to The Foundation over the past few years. We all wish him well in his future endeavors.
Although National Estate Planning Awareness Week (NEPAW) is more than four months away, it is not too early for our 235+ local councils to begin to make plans to promote the week of October 21–27 in your cities. Here is why I think that jumping on that bandwagon will be of tremendous value to your council and to its members.
As I have spoken to a number of councils since Congress passed the Tax Act of 2012, I am asked by members if either NAEPC or its Foundation has advice for those concerned that the high-dollar exemptions in the gift and estate tax tables will significantly limit the number of clients who think they need our skills and services. These professionals are concerned about the future of their practices.
One step we can all take is to make plans to promote NEPAW in our communities and to stress in that promotion that estate planning is about much more than just taxes. Public meetings and seminars can be sponsored by your council to get this message across while showcasing some of your members. If this idea resonates with your council for this October, I suggest you call or email our administrator, Eleanor M. Spuhler, at eleanor@naepc.org or 866-226-2224, to learn about the tools that NAEPC can provide to help in your efforts.
Also, you will want to make certain that your council is well-represented at the 50th Annual Conference in Las Vegas on November 20–22. Additional and extensive information and material on local promotion of NEPAW in 2014 will be presented during Council Leadership Day on Wednesday, November 20th.
See you in Las Vegas!

Estate Planning Law Specialist Designation Information
The Estate Planning Law Specialist (EPLS) designation is available to attorneys and is administered by the Estate Law Specialist Board, Inc., an attorney-run subsidiary of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Attorneys who become board-certified under this program demonstrate a high level of professionalism and commitment to the concept of specialization. This program is currently the only program, other than certain state bar association programs which are only for residents of their particular states, accredited by the American Bar Association to Board-certify attorneys as Estate Planning Law Specialists.
Get Involved!
Talented Volunteers Needed!
NAEPC is a dynamic and growing association comprised of affiliated local estate planning councils, their 27,000 members, and Accredited Estate Planner® designees, led entirely by a volunteer board of directors, a strong committee configuration, and many volunteers serving on an as-needed basis for project-based or task force work. We are always looking to expand our volunteer base and encourage council leaders, council members, and designees to get involved by serving on one or more committee.
Visit our website for a list of committees and an application.
Subscription Options
You are receiving this message because of your affiliation
with NAEPC or because your local estate planning council
asked for its members to be included, no more frequently than
six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like this one, please
use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about
the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits,
please be sure to
subscribe for more frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils 1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470
Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216)
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