Message from the
Jordon N. Rosen, CPA, MST, AEP®
Belfint, Lyons & Shuman, PA
Wilmington, Delaware
This summer season has surely started off on a unique foot. The
weather, at least in the East, has included a variety of average spring
days paired with periods of exceptionally warm weather, distinctive,
indeed! Much like the beginning of summer holds a special place in our
hearts, NAEPC holds a unique position within the estate planning
Our organization, unlike many others, was built to serve the estate
planning councils. Over time, those services have expanded to members of
affiliated estate planning councils and
Estate Planner® and
Estate Planning Law Specialist designees. You are receiving this
newsletter as either an active designee or a member of an estate
planning council affiliated with NAEPC. As you read through, you'll find
that it includes a wealth of information about
that you can take advantage of, all because your council has chosen to
maintain its membership in NAEPC. If this is the first time you are
reading NAEPC News, welcome to a family of 29,000 estate planning
professionals, please read on!
In closing, I truly hope you are taking advantage of all of the
benefits that NAEPC offers, including our signature annual event, the
52nd Annual NAEPC Advanced
Estate Planning Strategies Conference with pre-conference sessions for
Estate Planning Council Leaders. I will most certainly be in Florida
this November, and hope you will be too.

Are We?
by E. Randolph Whitelaw, AEP® (Distinguished) |
We are a 'fiduciary advisor' to our clients fully aware that,
to demonstrate best practices, we must always understand our
client's objectives, reliance upon other 'team' professionals
and... our limitations. Further, we must quarterback an active
plan management process recognizing that service commitment best
aligns our interest with those of the client. |
Conferences & Events
Upcoming Webinars in
Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
$40 / Accredited Estate Planner® designee
$60 / member of an affiliated local estate planning council
$100 / individual non-member
$250 / council meeting or group gathering
Next Program
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Your Clients May Not Be Cyborgs But You Still Must Plan for Their Digital
Gerry W. Beyer, JD, LL.M., JSD, AEP® (Distinguished) Nominee
This beginner presentation focuses on the developing area of "digital
assets," electronic records ranging from e-mail accounts to banking, investment,
and shopping accounts, domain names, social networking sites, and online games.
Prof. Beyer will offer guidance on the utility of comprehensive planning for
digital assets and will discuss issues that affect this set of assets, offer
estate planning options, analyze existing laws, and explore current and future
trends in this area.
Gerry W. Beyer joined the faculty of the Texas Tech University School
of Law in June 2005 as the first holder of the Governor Preston E. Smith
Regents Professorship. Previously, Prof. Beyer taught at St. Mary's
University and has served as a visiting professor at several other law
schools including Boston College, The Ohio State University, Southern
Methodist University, the University of New Mexico, Santa Clara
University, and La Trobe University (Australia). He is the recipient of
dozens of outstanding and distinguished faculty awards including the
Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award, the most prestigious
university-wide teaching award at Texas Tech. Prof. Beyer was also the
recipient of the 2012-2013 Outstanding Researcher Award from the Texas
Tech School of Law. As a state and nationally recognized expert in
estate planning, Prof. Beyer is a highly sought after lecturer. He
presents dozens of continuing legal education presentations each year
for many state and local bar associations, universities, and civic
groups. Prof. Beyer is the editor of the most popular estate planning
blawg in the nation which for the past five years has been named to the
ABA Journal's Blawg 100. He has authored and co-authored numerous books
and articles focusing on various aspects of estate planning, including a
two volume treatise on Texas wills law, an estate planning casebook, and
the Wills, Trusts, and Estates volume of the Examples & Explanations
series. He has three times won awards from the American Bar
Association's Probate & Property magazine for his writing and is one of
the most often downloaded law authors on the Social Science Research
Network. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the REPTL Reporter, the
official journal of the Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section of
the State Bar of Texas. Prof. Beyer serves as a mentor to many students
and various law school organizations as well participating regularly in
pro bono activities. He is the advisor for the Estate Planning and
Community Property Law Journal and its annual seminar. Professor Beyer
received his J.D. from the Ohio State University and his LL.M. and J.S.D.
degrees from the University of Illinois. He is a member of the Order of
the Coif, an Academic Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate
Counsel, and a member of the American Law Institute.
Programs |
Wednesday, August 12, 2015 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Financed Life Insurance with Exit Strategies
Michael W. Halloran, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® (Distinguished) Nominee
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Financial Reform: Impact on Your Merchant Account sponsored by LawPay®
Janelle Benefield
This is a complimentary program for NAEPC members.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Subchapter J (Income Tax of Trusts and Estates)—The Forgotten Tax
Jeffrey N. Pennell, JD
Wednesday, December 9, 2015 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Asset Protection and Estate Planning for Retirement Benefits
Edwin P. Morrow
Education Credit Continuing education credit is available at each
webinar for Accredited Estate Planner® designees. In addition, a general
certificate of completion will be made available for those professionals
who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements
and are able to self-file. It is the responsibility of the attendee to
determine whether their state, discipline, or designation will allow one
to self file for a distance-learning program.
52nd Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning
Strategies Conference with Pre-conference Sessions for Council Leaders
Education & Collaboration
November 18 - 20, 2015
Amelia Island, Florida ∙ Omni Amelia Island Plantation
Please plan to attend the 52nd Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies
Conference with pre-conference sessions for Estate Planning Council Leaders
where we have scheduled the brightest minds in estate planning to make impactful
presentations on the most recent developments in the areas of estate, tax,
trust, insurance and financial planning.
- Steve R. Akers, JD, AEP® (Distinguished): "Annual Update" & "Exclusive AEP®
Session: A Dialogue with Steve Akers"
- Janelle Benefield: "Financial Reform & Its Impact on Your Merchant Account"
- Tom Breedlove: "The Case(s) for Household Employment Compliance: Case Studies
Illustrating How to Mitigate Tax & Legal Risk"
- Mickey R. Davis, JD: "All About that Basis: Creative Ways to Obtain Basis at
- Samuel A. Donaldson, JD, LL.M., AEP® (Distinguished): "Dealing with Uncle Sam,
Everyone's Least Favorite Relative in the Family Business (Income Tax Planning
for Closely-held Businesses)"
- Michael W. Halloran, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® (Distinguished) Nominee: "Due
Diligence in Selecting and Understanding Life Insurance Policies"
- Stephan R. Leimberg, JD, AEP® (Distinguished): "Life Insurance - Key Cases and
Rulings of 2014-15"
- Richard A. Oshins, JD, LL.M., MBA, AEP® (Distinguished): "Improving (and/or
Revisiting) Popular Estate Planning Strategies"
- Jeffrey N. Pennell, JD: Third Party Trusts in Divorce - Is a Beneficiary's
Interest Marital Property?"
- John W. Porter, B.B.A., JD, AEP® (Distinguished): "The 30,000 Foot View from the
Trenches: A Potpourri of Transfer Tax Issues on the IRS's Radar Screen"
- Nancy B. Rapoport, JD: "Nudging More Ethical Behavior through Incentives and
- Martin M. Shenkman, CPA, PFS, MBA, JD, AEP® (Distinguished): "Planning
- Diana S.C. Zeydel, JD, LL.M.: "Portability or No: Death of the Credit Shelter
The program is a great way to receive up to 15 hours of continuing education
credit and participants will depart with tactics for putting advanced concepts
into practice in a multi-disciplinary environment.
You've already made NAEPC your association of choice; why not make the
52nd Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference your conference
of choice? |
Set in the Sea Island chain, Amelia Island was Florida's first luxury
destination and it is still treasured for its long stretches of quiet beaches,
natural beauty, unique history, and charming character.
See full program information and online registration.
The 52nd Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference is
sponsored by:

Sponsorship Opportunities
The NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference offers a unique and
affordable opportunity to connect with NAEPC members. Don't miss your
opportunity to participate in NAEPC's only national, face-to-face meeting each
year - sign up to sponsor or exhibit now! Questions about sponsoring or
exhibiting may be directed to Ed Socorro at or
Member Resources
The NAEPC Journal of Estate & Tax Planning
NAEPC Journal of Estate & Tax
Planning is a web-based library of best-in-class thought leadership
appropriate for every member of every estate planning council. Visit today to view
current and past issues of the publication.
Published quarterly and available at no-charge to all estate planning council
members and Accredited Estate Planner® designees, The Journal is
considered to be one of the top benefits of membership in NAEPC.
Have an idea for a hot topic or cool tool? Email with your
Member Benefit Programs
All members of affiliated local councils have access to a growing and diverse
offering of benefits provided by the council's affiliation with NAEPC. As you
browse, please remember that some benefits are password protected. For these
special benefits members must utilize a user name/password to access detailed
ordering links and information. If you are an At-large member or member of a
council that utilizes passwords on a website hosted by NAEPC, you can use the "I
forgot my password" option. Others should contact NAEPC with questions about the
appropriate user name/password combination.
AICPA Advanced Estate Planning Conference, July 20-22, 2015, Salt Lake City, UT
the 2015 AICPA Advanced Estate Planning Conference, you'll get up to speed on
the most current aspects of estate, gift and inheritance planning. Respected
experts will share updates from the Hill, with advanced technical training,
interactive sessions, case studies and more. Don't miss this opportunity to
discover sophisticated insights into estate planning's newest challenges, and
gain the resources to effectively construct your clients' estate plans.
Who Should Attend
CPAs, financial planners, attorneys, insurance agents and tax advisors with a
fundamental knowledge of estate planning.
Register online HERE or
download the full conference brochure HERE.
Please log into our members-only
area for special pricing and
ordering links.
Disinherit the IRS
your clients Disinherit
the IRS
In today's competitive financial services industry, you need more than just a
license to sell insurance, securities, and investment products.
Studies on generational marketing reveal a different kind of decision-making
process is now taking place in America. The Greatest Generation is beginning to
pass its wealth to the Baby Boomer and X generations and this means your style
of sales will need to adapt if you want to build new relationships and gain
their trust.
Education is a key factor in marketing to these sophisticated clients. But it
takes more than just a slick product brochure. And while a generous expense
account can help you build a relationship over dinner, these consumers will need
more than just a nice conversation.
That's why Author and Family Wealth Preservation Specialist - E.
his best-selling book Disinherit
the IRS, and rewrote it in 2014.
NAEPC members receive a 25% discount off the retail price by logging in to the
members only section and placing an online order.
Please log into our members-only
area for special pricing and
ordering links.
WealthCounsel 2015 Symposium, July 14 - 17, 2015, San Diego
special conference is full of valuable learning, collaboration and guidance
on how to advance your practice. Now, prepare yourself for an even more
memorable experience at Symposium 2015 with 3½ days of learning and
- Fill your first day with half-day
intensive courses or take in San Diego through fun excursions that
include collaborative discussions
- Mix up your learning experience with
90-minute classroom breakouts and 60-minute workshops, presentations and
panel discussions
- Be inspired by BOLD Talks - short,
motivational stories of personal growth and success
- Get your day off to an energizing start
with powerful keynote speakers
You'll learn. You'll network. You'll
discover new ways of thinking that can help you elevate your practice.
You'll be glad you made the decision to be in San Diego for a new and
exciting Symposium experience.
In partnership with WealthCounsel,
the Estate Law Specialist Board is excited to offer an in-person review
course and proctored Estate Planning Law Specialist exam at
The 2015 Symposium, scheduled from July 14-17, 2015 in San Diego,
California. Once registered for the proctored exam, candidates will be
contacted by the Estate Law Specialist Board with the application for
certification, which must be completed and returned to the Estate Law
Specialist Board in advance of the exam and by June 30, 2015. Exam results
will be communicated within thirty (30) days.
Please log into our members-only
area for special pricing
and ordering links.
Existing Benefits
Acquire Seminar Marketing
American Bar Association Paralegal Program
Amicus Creative Media
Bloomberg BNA's Art of the Estate Tax Return by Keith Schiller
BVR's Guide to Business Valuation Issues in Estate & Gift Tax edited by
Linda Trugman, CPA/ABV, CBA, ASA, MBA
Charitable Planning Desk Reference for Advisors offered by Strategic
Cloudia Assistant
CrummeyService, America's Leading ILIT Software Company
DocuBank: Emergency Access to Vital Documents
Estate Assist
Estate Planning Smarts, A Practical, User-Friendly, Action-Oriented
Guide, By Deborah L. Jacobs
Family Business Magazine
Family Wealth Map
Florida Domicile Handbook: Vital Information for New Florida Residents
Heart2Hearts: Workbook and Deck of Cards, Discuss Directives, LLC
Accredited Estate
Planner® Designation
Professional estate planners can achieve an accreditation that
acknowledges their experience and specialization in estate planning. Simply
put, the Accredited Estate Planner® designation means "I believe in the team
concept of estate planning." Awarded by the National Association of Estate
Planners & Councils to recognized estate planning professionals who meet
special requirements of education, experience, knowledge, professional
reputation, and character, the AEP® designation helps both clients and
colleagues understand your belief in, and dedication to, the team concept of
estate planning.
The Accredited Estate Planner® designation is available to attorneys,
Chartered Life Underwriters®, Certified Public Accountants, Certified Trust and
Financial Advisors, Chartered Financial Consultants®, and Certified Financial
Planners® who are actively engaged in estate planning and meet stringent
qualifications at the time of application and commit to ongoing continuing
education and recertification requirements. See more information about the
AEP® designation
Spotlight on the
Estate Planning Hall of Fame®
The Estate Planning Hall of Fame® was created in 2004 to recognize
distinguished service to the estate planning community. As of November 20, 2015
there will be 87 entrants into the Hall of Fame, representative of all of the
estate planning-related disciplines and an academic category. Those honored by
induction are truly the "best of the best" in the industry, modeling the values
of the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils. Please visit our
website to learn more.
Please join us in celebrating with the newest Accredited Estate Planner®
Barbara C. Attardo, CFP®, AEP® |
Boston, MA |
Jay C. Burgman, CFP®, AEP® |
Jamison , PA |
Lisa Weinstein Burns, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® |
Boston, MA |
Yasmin Causer, MST, CPA/PFS, CFP®, AEP® |
Waltham, MA |
Stephen Arthur Colella, CPA, PFS, JD, MST, AEP® |
Woburn, MA |
Tracy A. Craig, JD, AEP® |
Worcester, MA |
Timothy M. Dardis, ChFC®, LUTCF, AEP® |
Sioux Falls, SD |
David G. Domian, CFP®, ChFC®, CLU®, AEP® |
Chesterfield, MO |
H. Jill Fivecoat, CFP®, AEP® |
St. Louis, MO |
Evan Y. Lin, JD, CPA, AEP® |
Green Bay, WI |
Richelle M. Maguire, CPA, MST, AEP® |
Boston, MA |
Beth S. Milkovits, CFP®, AEP® |
Boston, MA |
Kyle P. Mooney , ChFC®, LUTCF, AEP® |
Jacksonville, FL |
Michael F. Niemann, CPA, CGMA, AEP® |
St. Louis, MO |
John Przybylski, JD, LL.M. (taxation), CFP®, AEP® |
Boston, MA |
Michael K. Rosenman, CLU®, ChFC®, CASL®, AEP® |
Stamford, CT |
Michael S. Schwartz, CFP®, AEP® |
New York, NY |
Sun Mi "Anne" Shim, CFP®, EA, AEP® |
Los Angeles, CA |
Mark D. Silverstein, CFP®, AEP® |
Seattle, WA |
Robert O. Stachura, CFP®, AEP® |
Millersville, MD |
Julie Thomas Sward, JD, CFP®, AEP® |
Clayton, MO |
Connell J. Tarr, CLU®, ChFC®, LUTCF, AEP® |
Portsmouth, NH |
Eric B. Waggoner, CFP®, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® |
East Lansing, MI |
Jay M. Weinstein, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® |
Timonium, MD |
Andrew L. Whitehair, CPA, AEP® |
Cleveland, OH |
Stephen N. Wilchins, JD, CPA, AEP® |
Wellesley, MA |
Just for Estate Planning Council Volunteer
The Council Relations Committee wishes to thank the dedicated work of the 49
councils that submitted applications for the 2015
Walter Lee Davis Jr. & Leonard H Neiman Council of Excellence Award. The
award committee will be reviewing applications over the coming months. We are
looking forward to recognizing the winning councils on November 18th during
Council Leadership Day
at the 52nd Annual NAEPC Advanced
Estate Planning Strategies Conference in Amelia Island, Florida.
If you feel a nudge to volunteer some of your time to help the Council
Relations Committee, we welcome your call. Please contact the national office or
Paul Viren at if you want to learn more or submit a brief
interest form.
Your council contact on record will be hearing from the Council Relations
Committee about all of the benefits available to both your council and its
individual members very soon. In the interim, feel free to check out our
website to see all of the valuable
benefits, including the AICPA Advanced Estate Planning Conference, ABA Paralegal
eLearning Program, the Washington Institute for Graduate Studies, and more!
Finally, the NAEPC board of directors wishes to thank the entire Council
Relations Committee for the time they make available to keep in touch with each
of the nearly 260 councils affiliated with NAEPC.
You are receiving this message because of your affiliation with NAEPC or
because your local estate planning council asked for its members to be included,
no more frequently than six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like
this one, please use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about the NAEPC
and its educational programming and member benefits, please be sure to
subscribe for more
frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470 Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216) 696-2582 ~ E-Mail:
© 2015, All Rights Reserved.
See Privacy Policy.