Message from the
Paul S. Viren, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®
Viren & Associates, Inc.
Greetings from NAEPC! In this new year I have the honor and privilege to
serve as the president of this wonderful organization and look forward to our
work together in the coming year. We truly have an amazing organization made up
of over 260 estate planning councils and their talented advisors, in all fields
of planning.
In this coming year there will be unprecedented change in our country in the
wake of the election. Our clients, like never before, will count on us to
provide them the best in multi-disciplinary advice and counsel in order to wade
through what appears to be enormous change and opportunity. NAEPC will be there
alongside each of you and every estate planning council providing top level
resources and industry leading educational opportunities!
In this new year we are excited to welcome four new members to our board of
- Stacy Christman Blomeke, JD - Attorney and Philanthropic
Professional with the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and the
Director of Gift Planning. She is a member of the Cincinnati Estate Planning
Council. Stacy is also our first board member representing philanthropic
planning and we are truly excited to have her perspective on our board.
- John T. Midgett , JD, AEP® - Attorney with Midgett & Preti, PC in
Virginia Beach, VA and a member of the Hampton Roads Estate Planning Council
- Michael Rush Noland, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® - Financial Planner with
Integrated Financial in Tulsa, OK and a member of the Tulsa Estate Planning
- Hal R. Terr , CPA, PFS, CFP®, AEP® - CPA with Withum, Smith &
Brown, PC in Princeton, NJ and member of the Mercer County Estate Planning
NAEPC and the estate planning councils are powered by volunteers! I, like
you, am passionate about the profession of estate planning! It is this
collective passion and the hundreds of collective hours our board and each of
you provide at the local level that make what we do possible. For your sharing
of your precious time and amazing talents, I give you many thanks!
Let's make 2017 an amazing year!


Are We?
by Bernard A. Krooks, JD, CPA, LL.M., AEP® (Distinguished) |
Estate planning is one of those things that nobody wants to think about
until it is time to think about it, and then, it is often too late. After all,
who wants to think about what will happen to us if we become ill, can no longer
take care of ourselves, or pass away? It is much more pleasant to think about
where you will go on your next vacation, what type of car you will drive when
your current lease expires, or what color carpet you will put in your new
office. However, as we all know, failure to properly plan your estate can lead
to unintended consequences for you and your family and result in the loss of
significant personal assets. Those of us in the estate planning profession know
this all too well... Read More |
NAEPC Journal of Estate & Tax Planning,
December 2016 Edition

The December 2016 Issue of the NAEPC
Journal of Estate & Tax Planning will be released very soon!
Subscribe today to make sure
you receive direct notification of the new issue when it arrives.
Changes to Accredited
Estate Planner® Designation Program
We are most excited to announce several changes to the Accredited Estate
Planner® designation program, accepted during a recent national board meeting.
More information about these changes will be provided online in early 2017. We
believe these changes are reflective of the changing nature of the profession
and include:
- The addition of "philanthropic professional" to the list of acceptable
- New qualifying designations/degrees - Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy®
(CAP®)*, Certified Specialist in Planned Giving® (CSPG®), Certified Private
Wealth Advisor (CPWA), and Master of Science in Taxation (MST)
- Slight changes to the NAEPC definition of estate planning and applicant
- The Personal Financial Specialist (PFS) credential is acceptable in
place of the graduate coursework requirement for CPA applicants with less
than 15 years of experience providing coursework was taken to obtain the PFS
Applicants for the AEP® designation must meet all program requirements,
complete the application in its entirety, and agree to comply with all ongoing
recertification requirements. For additional information about the AEP®
designation program, please visit
The Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Committee is grateful to William
D. Kirchick, Esq., AEP® for leading the task force charged with reviewing
qualifications & requirements of the designation program.
*Applicants must take the Advanced Estate Planning Course
(GS815) through The American College.
Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
was launched in September 2013 to provide estate planners with accessible, high
quality, multi-disciplinary education. Programs are available live and on-demand
and most often take place on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm ET.
Attendees can choose to register for individual programs, or for a series
All at 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Rethinking Life Insurance Valuation for Seniors
Jon B. Mendelsohn, Ashar Group
REGISTER HERE for this complimentary sponsored program.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - Special Program!
DOL Fiduciary: When they're Running You Out of Town - Get at the Head
of the Line and Make it Look Like a Parade!
Kim O'Brien & Richard Weber, MBA, CLU®, AEP® (Distinguished)
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Powers of Appointment
Turney Berry, JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
Continuing education credit is available at each webinar for Accredited
Estate Planner® designees. In addition, a general certificate of completion will
be made available for those professionals who feel the program satisfies their
continuing education requirements and are able to self-file. It is the
responsibility of the attendee to determine whether their state, discipline, or
designation will allow one to self-file for a distance-learning program. Please
contact prior to attending your first program if you have any
questions with regard to this policy. |
Subscriptions are available! The yearly subscription offers a substantial
discount to attend all of the programs during the calendar year! After
completing the registration you will be emailed a discount code that can be used
to register for the programs you wish to attend. (Please allow up to a week for
processing.) Register for the
- $280 Accredited Estate Planner® designee - $360 value
- $420 Member of an affiliated local estate planning council or at-large
member of NAEPC - $540 value
- $700 Non-member - $900 value
- $1,125 Council meeting / group gathering (one feed to be shown in a
single location to a group) - $2,250 value
54th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning
Strategies Conference
with Pre-conference Sessions for Council Leaders
November 15-17, 2017 - New Orleans, Louisiana
The Roosevelt, a Waldorf Astoria Hotel
Member Benefits
NAEPC provides a diverse offering of Value Partners as a resource to you, a
member of an affiliated local estate planning council! Click on the links below
to browse the list by category, or see the
full list of
For special password-protected benefits, members must utilize a user
name/password to access detailed ordering links and information. If you are an
At-large member or member of a council that utilizes passwords on a website
hosted by NAEPC, you can use the "I forgot my password" option. Others should
contact NAEPC with questions about the appropriate user name/password
combination. |
Options You are receiving this message because of your affiliation with NAEPC or
because your local estate planning council asked for its members to be included,
no more frequently than six times per year. To unsubscribe from messages like
this one, please use the link at the bottom of this message to remove your
address from our distribution list.
If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about the NAEPC
and its educational programming and member benefits, please be sure to
subscribe for more
frequent communications. |
National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
1120 Chester Avenue, Suite 470 Cleveland, OH 44114
Phone: (866) 226-2224 ~ Fax: (216) 696-2582 ~ E-Mail:
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See Privacy Policy.