Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
The Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
was created in September 2013 to provide estate planners with accessible, high
quality, multi-disciplinary education. Programs are available live and on-demand
and attendees can choose to register for individual programs, or for a series
subscription. We hope you will join us for an
upcoming program:
Wednesday, August 9, 2017, 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
Alternatives to Self-settled Trusts • Gideon Rothschild, JD, CPA, AEP®
Wednesday, September 13, 2017, 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
The Perfect Modern Trust Including Income Tax Sheltering Opportunities •
Richard A. Oshins, JD, LL.M., MBA, AEP® (Distinguished)
Continuing education credit is available at each webinar for Accredited Estate
Planner® designees. In addition, a general certificate of completion will be
made available for those professionals who feel the program satisfies their
continuing education requirements and are able to self-file. |
Individual program registration fees:
- $40 for active AEP® designees
- $60 for council members
- $100 for non-members
- $250 for a group gathering: one feed to be shown to a group gathered together in a single location,
additional feeds are available for $25
Subscriptions are also available! The yearly subscription offers a
substantial discount to attend all of the programs during the calendar year!
(On-demand access is provided for all prior 2017 programs.)
Register for the series.
- $280 Accredited Estate Planner® designee
($360 value)
- $420 Member of an affiliated local estate planning council or at-large
member of NAEPC ($540 value)
- $700 Non-member
($900 value)
$1,125 Council meeting / group gathering: one feed to be shown in a single
location to a group ($2,250 value)

The Annual NAEPC Estate Planning Strategies Conference has become the "go-to"
event for estate planners from across the country! An exciting line-up of
nationally-recognized speakers, coupled with a fabulous city, plush host hotel,
and incredibly competitive registration fees, make the 54th Annual Conference an
event that is not to be missed. You've already made NAEPC and your affiliated
local council your associations of choice; why not make the Annual NAEPC Estate
Planning Strategies Conference your continuing education and networking event of
choice? |
Abbreviated Conference Schedule
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
- Special Add-on Opportunity for Educational Attendees: Communication Across
Generations and the Impact of Family Philanthropy with Sharna Goldseker
Thursday, November 16, 2017 Educational Sessions
- 7:00 am Bonus Session: Life Insurance in Estate Planning: Beyond the Role of
Benefits for Beneficiaries & Tax Strategies
Darwin M. Bayston, CFA Session provided by Berkshire Settlements, Inc.
- Modern Uses of Partnerships in Estate Planning
Paul S. Lee, JD, LL.M. (taxation), AEP® (Distinguished)
- Life Insurance Product Selection, Design and Funding: Making Fundamental
Decisions in Common Financial and Estate Planning Scenarios
Charles L. Ratner, JD, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP® (Distinguished)
- Sponsored General Session: Advanced Planning Applications for Market-Based Life
Insurance Valuations
William Clark, Jamie Mendelsohn & Jon B. Mendelsohn
Session provided by Ashar Group / Ashar SMV
- How Slippage and Gray Areas Lead Us Into Ethical Lapses
Marianne M. Jennings, JD
- Minimizing Family Conflicts in Estate Planning
John J. Scroggin, JD, LL.M., (taxation), AEP® (Distinguished) Nominee
- Current Issues in Estate and Gift Tax Audits and Litigation
John W. Porter, B.B.A., JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
Special Concurrent Sessions on
Thursday, November 16, 2017, 5:15 pm
- Annual Private Event for Active Accredited Estate Planner® Designees
and Estate Planning Law Specialist Certificants: Legacy Planning Reimagined:
a Discussion with Philip B. Cubeta, CLU®, ChFC®, MSFS, CAP®, AEP®
- The Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Program from A - Z
For those who are interested in learning more about or attaining the AEP®
designation, this session will provide an overview of the program and offer an
opportunity to have your questions answered by the experts at NAEPC.
Friday, November 17, 2017 Educational Sessions
- Tax-Efficient Drawdown Strategies during Retirement
Robert S. Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP® (Distinguished), CGMA
- Estate Planning Current Developments and Hot Topics
Steve R. Akers, JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
- Sponsored General Session: Understanding Asset Protection in the 21st Century
Douglass S. Lodmell, JD, LL.M.
Session provided by Asset Protection Council® / Lodmell & Lodmell, P.C.
- Inter Vivos Non-Grantor Trusts (Some Complete; Some Not) for State (and
Some Federal) Income Tax Minimization
William D. Lipkind, JD, LL.M.
- Planning for Privacy in a Public World: The Ethics and Mechanics of Protecting
your Client's Privacy and Personal Security
John Bergner, JD & Jeff Chadwick, JD
- Income Taxation of Trusts & Estates – Ten Things Estate Planners Need to Know
Mickey R. Davis, JD & Melissa J. Willms, JD, LL.M.
.png) |
To learn more about the conference, including
registration fees and packages, and to
download the
early bird brochure, please visit our
website. |
Sponsorships are still available! Those that have an interest can review the
conference sponsor kit or contact Ed Socorro at
ESocorro@NAEPCmarketing.org or
312-600-5303 for more details. We are grateful for the support of all conference
sponsors, including:
Please click on each logo to learn more.



Member Benefits
N ew member benefits this year include:
Brands Film
Do you have website video? If not, you are turning away 90% of your prospects
and clients. Through a value partner arrangement with NAEPC,
M is offering video production services at a
20% discount to members.
Read more >
New council benefits this year include:
- Mobile Event Services for Councils
Introducing New NAEPC Program: 50% off standard rates and a free trial!
Our suite of mobile event services is a cost-effective way to modernize your
attendee experience.
Read more >
View all of the exciting benefits
available to you as a member of NAEPC, including our flagship benefit, a $149
subscription to
Trusts & Estates magazine (a 60% discount!).
We want to hear from you! What benefits would you like to see?
Email us
your suggestions today!

Accredited Estate Planner® Designation Program
The Accredited Estate Planner® (AEP®) designation truly embodies the
core value of NAEPC, excellence in estate planning. Three compelling reasons to
obtain the designation today:
Gain the competitive edge – set yourself apart from the competition Demonstrate that you have special knowledge, skill, and expertise in
multi-disciplinary estate planning
Give colleagues and consumers a way to identify you as a qualified
professional who stands ready to meet their needs
Abbreviated Program Requirements
- Core Mission – acknowledge an ongoing commitment to the team concept of estate
- Credential – active license or certification as an attorney (JD), accountant
(CPA), insurance professional and financial planner (CLU®, ChFC®, CFP®, CFA,
CPWA®), philanthropy (CAP®, CSPG), or trust officer (CTFA)
- Experience – minimum of 5 years of experience in estate planning
- Reputation & Character – 3 professional references; one of whom must share the
applicant's primary discipline and 2 others from 2 different disciplines
- Education – applicants must successfully complete 2 graduate courses from The
American College or similar graduate courses through an accredited university,
college or school of law as part of a masters' or doctoral degree program (a
minimum of 15 years of experience in estate planning exempts one from this
- Ethics – sign a declaration statement to continuously abide by the NAEPC Code of
- Membership – maintain a membership within an affiliated local estate planning
council where one is geographically available (you've likely already met this
- Continuing Education – minimum of 30 hours of continuing education, 15 of which
must be in estate planning, every 24 months
Interested in learning more? Visit www.NAEPC.org/AEP or contact our national
office at (866) 226-2224 or admin@naepc.org.

Message from the
Paul S. Viren, CLU®, ChFC®, AEP®
Viren & Associates, Inc.
Spokane, WA
Summer is upon us! I wish you and your family a healthy and happy season! At NAEPC, we are in the midst of a summer "makeover" of our newsletter
and website, among other exciting activities. Keep an eye out, you will see a
brand new look and feel coming soon to your association of choice!
As I keyed my thoughts for this newsletter, fresh from our first of two
annual face-to-face national board meetings not very long ago, I thought I would
share a few "Did you know?" facts about NAEPC. Our top ten list, if you will!
- Fact #1: As a member of an affiliated local council, you are granted
membership rights at NAEPC and can take advantage of all of the benefits and
services offered by the national organization.
- Fact #2: Our mission is simple - Excellence in Estate Planning
- Fact #3: This newsletter is your link to the "happenings" at NAEPC – make sure to keep an eye out for future issues.
- Fact #4: NAEPC boasts over 270 affiliated estate planning councils,
including their estimated 30,000 individual members.
- Fact #5: NAEPC has over 70 dedicated volunteer board and committee
members working hard to provide value to you, our member.
- Fact #6: The Accredited Estate Planner® designation
is the only graduate level, multi-disciplinary designation in estate
- Fact #7: At any given time, NAEPC offers approximately 40
discounted benefits to our members.
- Fact #8: The Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning
Strategies Conference is available to the entire estate planning
community and provides two full days of national, multi-disciplinary
continuing education credit.
- Fact #9: The Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
provides monthly educational events with the brightest minds in estate
planning tackling touch technical topics in an understandable way. You can
take advantage of the member rate to attend!
- Fact #10: You can
opt in to receiving more frequent communications from
NAEPC in less than a minute.
I hope that you learned something new about NAEPC after reading the bullets
above! I do hope for an opportunity to meet you in person this November 15-17 in
New Orleans!
Until November,
