The Intersection of Mission and Goals from a President’s Perspective
Ten Ways to Protect your Client's Digital Assets
April 20, 2022 at 3:00 pm ET
The centralized location for best-in-class thought leadership for the estate planning professional
Read the New Issue
Reflections on the Values of NAEPC by Paul M. Caspersen
Opportunities to Save & This Month’s Featured Benefit
Message from the President
Julie A. Buschman, CPA, AEP, CAP
The Northern Trust Company
Dallas, Texas
Dear Members and Friends,
I am delighted to serve as president of NAEPC this year and I am looking forward to working with you and our Board to accomplish our shared goals. As this message begins, I want to congratulate and acknowledge William D. Kirchick, Esq, AEP® for successfully leading NAEPC during his 2021 presidency. Bill, and the entire 2021 board of directors, deserve a virtual round of applause for an exceptional year of service. I also want to take this moment to reflect on the tragedy that is occurring in Ukraine. Out thoughts and hearts go out to the Ukrainian people and all those who are supporting them.
As we move through this year, the association continues to focus on its mission: service to estate planning councils and AEP® designees, while embracing and accomplishing objectives that fit within our scope of services. Our goals are, and will remain, creative, forward-thinking, and will factor in the changes the world and the profession have endured during these last two most unusual years. We recognize that the association of the past may not be the most accurate reflection of the wants and needs of our current and future members. We will address this evolving environment side by side with you.
So what happens in that special place where mission and goals unite?
- Estate planning councils thrive and provide an environment where multi-disciplinary members cultivate healthy and meaningful relationships with one another and where cutting-edge education is shared
- Members are inspired and hold themselves to the highest standards, are current on our shared industry and its trends, and feel they are part of a larger integral network
- The board of directors is cohesive, collaborative, and work together over multiple years toward shared goals
What is our destination as an association? I believe it is simple and clear within our mission: excellence in estate planning, the same excellence that NAEPC has been known for since its beginning days as the National Association of Estate Planning Councils. Ultimately, this excellence leads to united and committed members, flourishing communities, and an association that we are all proud of.
In closing, please know that your membership is valued. I invite you to stay connected with me, with NAEPC and your local council, and with your national network of estate planning professionals in the days ahead and I look forward to gathering with you this November in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for the 59th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference.

2022 President
59th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference with Pre-Conference Sessions for Estate Planning Council Leaders
November 15 - 18, 2022 · Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa
Join us for NAEPCs return to in-person events and Marriott Harbor Beach where you can expect:
- A safe and health-conscious learning environment
- Balanced and timely topics offered by nationally-known presenters
- An opportunity to cultivate your national network of collaborative professionals
- Registration options to fit your needs, including single day and all access passes
- 2½ days of national and multi-disciplinary continuing education credit
More information, including the speaker line-up, will be shared as it becomes available; registration is expected to open late April. Meanwhile, watch our website for updates, add yourself to the mailing list, and add the conference to your calendar.
We are grateful to the sponsoring firms that allow us to provide members and guests with an exceptional conference each year. Please learn more about each by clicking on the logos below.
We welcome your questions about sponsoring or exhibiting at this and upcoming annual conferences. Please contact Ed Socorro at sponsorship@naepc.org or 312-600-5303 with questions or to be added to our distribution list.
Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
The Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series provides estate planning professionals with high quality, affordable, multi-disciplinary education that can be viewed on the live date & time or when it is convenient for your schedule. Register for an individual viewing, the entire calendar year, or for group access.
Those who register for a series subscription at any time during the year receive access to all programs hosted during the calendar year, including the webinars that have already taken place.
Ten Ways to Protect Your Client's Digital Assets with Betsy L. Ehrenberg
Live Wednesday, April 20, 2022 from 3:00 pm ET - 4:00 pm ET
Register Here
Individuals have their name in over 200 locations in cyberspace at their end of life. Trust and estate planning and estate administration should include discussions about digital assets, electronic records, data and documents; all estate planning documents should include legal provisions to control access to and security of these valuable assets. By the end of this advanced session attendees will be able to identify digital assets and custodian protocols that create postmortem roadblocks to access, have learned ways to assemble and organize keys to electronic records for data and document access and protection, and strategies to motivate clients to discuss and protect digital assets during trust and estate planning and review.
Continuing education credit is available at most webinars for Accredited Estate Planner® designees. In addition, a general certificate of completion will be available for those who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements and are able to self-file.
Featured Benefit & Opportunities to Save
As an AEP® designee or council member, you have access to benefits spanning a range of categories. Take a look today to make sure you’re not leaving behind an opportunity to save!
Featured Benefit
Trusts & Estates Magazine
Trusts & Estates' in-depth peer-reviewed articles have made the magazine the authority on estate law, tax issues, and wealth management for over a century. Attorneys, fiduciaries, accountants, investment advisors, charitable giving specialists, family office executives, insurance agents, and valuation experts all contribute their insight and advice to the pages of the magazine. Always with a view to helping you better meet your client's needs. Written by experts for experts!
All the benefits of full priced subscriptions are yours … even at this low rate!
- Every subscription includes 12 monthly issues of Trusts & Estates magazine, in print and digital editions.
- Unlimited access to ALL Trust & Estates online premium content.
- Our annual special issues: Tax Year In Review and Charitable Giving
- Free weekly newsletter The Estate Planner brings financial advisors expert advice on trusts and estate planning issues
Subscribe to Trusts & Estates at the low NAEPC member price of just $149. Save 60% off the regular $375 rate!
New Subscribers, click HERE
Existing Subscribers, click HERE to renew (please have your account number ready)
Additional Opportunities
Trusts & Estates is now offering webinars! Approved for one hour of Accredited Estate Planner® designee continuing education credit, webinars are available both live and on-demand.
Trusts & Estates also offers complimentary newsletters for those who choose to sign up! Click HERE and look for "Industry Newsletters" on the right side of the page to sign up.
Reflections on the Values of NAEPC by
Paul M. Caspersen, CFP®, MS (financial planning & taxation), AEP®
"We are stronger together than we are alone." - Walter Payton
I transitioned from the financial planning field to charitable planning over a decade ago, and it’s changed the arc of my career in a positive way. My success in charitable planning is, in large part, taking the responsibility to proactively collaborate with the other advisors for the client to experience a “team” approach. Early on in my career I gave myself a low score on proactive collaboration which, in large part, led to me leaving a career as a financial advisor.
Successful communication and collaboration across related disciplines elevates industries to ongoing breakthroughs in new discoveries. Part of leadership in one’s career is getting people to communicate who are polarized on a topic to bring them together to best optimize decisions for all concerned parties. In the field of estate planning, if we don’t communicate and collaborate with each other as professionals across disciplines we fail time and again to optimize the decisions our clients end up making, or delaying. NAEPC is the nexus of promoting successful communication and collaboration in the field of estate planning for the betterment of the client.
Paul M. Caspersen serves on the NAEPC board of directors in the philanthropic discipline and is vice-chair of the Council Leader Education Series this year.
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