Returning to More Traditional Member Activities
Stories of Collaboration Using Real World Examples
This Month: Mindful Meetings
How Multi-Disciplinary Estate Planning Professionals Set Themselves Apart
Message from the President
Julie A. Buschman, CPA, AEP, CAP
The Northern Trust Company
Dallas, Texas
Dear Members and Friends,
We’re over half-way through the calendar year and my presidency and my, how fast the first seven months of the year have gone! While many things are beginning to return to a more typical pace and plan, I recognize that some of our councils and members have yet to do so. Know that we’re here to support you through these ongoing unusual times and that our board of directors understands that we must remain as flexible and accommodating as possible while still upholding the highest ethical and industry standards.
Many of the association’s activities have continued along as planned throughout the last several years. The webinar committee continues to deliver exceptional virtual education, had a record-breaking 2021 and is headed toward breaking more records this year, and offered its yearly honorarium on behalf of the season’s presenters to the American Bar Association Ukraine Response Project.
The website and technology committee continues to implement enhancements to both the council website system and the national website and we’re very excited for several recent and upcoming updates, including: a page within the login portal for new AEP® designees that provides a single location for everything related to the program; a visual map of designees in each state (similar to the council map); and a calendar of events dedicated to the growing number of programs offered by NAEPC. These new features are sure to enhance your experience at www.NAEPC.org and there are even more exciting updates planned for the council website system!
On the topic of technology, NAEPC continues to advocate for approval of the e-apostille implementation, or electronic certification of a document's authenticity, on a permanent basis in each of the 50 states. We hope you will join us in this effort by contacting your Secretary of State.
The board of directors continues to tackle important topics while working together to meet the association’s over-arching goals and encouraging cross-committee dialogue. We also recently finished the mid-year board meeting, a longer leadership gathering at which slight revisions to the mission statement were adopted to more accurately reflect the current membership structure, the association’s event conduct statement was amended to reflect health and wellness considerations, and reports from each committee were heard.
Nominations for the NAEPC Board of Directors are open until August 5, 2022. If you have an interest in serving the association, please email our national office for a copy of the application.
There is one item for which we are particularly excited… the association’s return to in-person events this November 15-18, 2022 at the 59th Annual Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference. The event will also include the traditional pre-conference sessions for council leaders. Please plan on joining us for what is sure to be an invigorating and collegial conference in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. We’ll be glad to have you with us.

2022 President
59th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference with Pre‑Conference Sessions for Estate Planning Council Leaders
November 15 - 18, 2022 · Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa
The Annual Conference provides attendees with nationally-recognized speakers on subjects of interest to multi-disciplinary professionals and opportunities to create new relationships while exploring cutting-edge ideas and trends.
> See the full schedule
Who Should Attend?
- The Pre-Conference Sessions for Estate Planning Council Leaders are for officers, directors, and staff members of councils affiliated with NAEPC.
- The conference educational sessions are for every member of every estate planning council and all estate planning professionals.
Together, in a safe, health-conscious, and collaborative learning environment, we will cultivate a national network of estate planning professionals while participating in timely education offered by the experts you know and appreciate.
We are grateful to the sponsoring firms that allow us to provide members and guests with an exceptional conference each year. Please learn more about each by clicking on the logos below.
We welcome your questions about sponsoring or exhibiting at this and upcoming annual conferences. Please contact Ed Socorro at sponsorship@naepc.org or 312-600-5303 with questions or to be added to our distribution list.
Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series
The Robert G. Alexander Webinar Series provides estate planning professionals with high quality, affordable, virtual education that can be viewed on the live date & time or when it is convenient for your schedule. Register for an individual viewing, the entire calendar year, or for group access.
Those who register for a series subscription at any time during the year receive access to all programs hosted during the calendar year, including the webinars that have already taken place.
Current Issues in Estate and Gift Tax Audits and Litigation
John W. Porter, B.B.A., JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 3:00pm - 4:00pm ET
This presentation will address a number of current audit and litigation issues from the perspective of a seasoned litigator who deals with the IRS on a daily basis. The discussion will include issues related to the transfer of hard to value assets (including the section 2704 Proposed Regulations), formula clauses, GRATs, BDITs, tax return preparation issues, privilege issues, and the avoidance of penalties.
Continuing education credit is available at most webinars for Accredited Estate Planner® designees. In addition, a general certificate of completion will be available for those who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements and are able to self-file.
New Benefits & Opportunities to Save
As an AEP® designee or council member, you have access to benefits spanning a range of categories. Take a look today to make sure you’re not leaving an opportunity to save behind!
Featured Benefit
Trusts & Estates Magazine
Trusts & Estates' in-depth peer-reviewed articles have made the magazine the authority on estate law, tax issues, and wealth management for over a century. Attorneys, fiduciaries, accountants, investment advisors, charitable giving specialists, family office executives, insurance agents, and valuation experts all contribute their insight and advice to the pages of the magazine. Always with a view to helping you better meet your client's needs. Written by experts for experts!
All the benefits of full priced subscriptions are yours … even at this low rate!
- Every subscription includes 12 monthly issues of Trusts & Estates magazine, in print and digital editions.
- Unlimited access to ALL Trust & Estates online premium content.
- Our annual special issues: Tax Year In Review and Charitable Giving
- Free weekly newsletter The Estate Planner brings financial advisors expert advice on trusts and estate planning issues
Subscribe to Trusts & Estates at the low NAEPC member price of just $149. Save 60% off the regular $375 rate!
New Subscribers, click HERE
Existing Subscribers, click HERE to renew (please have your account number ready)
Additional Opportunities
Trusts & Estates is now offering webinars! Approved for one hour of Accredited Estate Planner® designee continuing education credit, webinars are available both live and on-demand.
Trusts & Estates also offers complimentary newsletters for those who choose to sign up! Click HERE and look for "Industry Newsletters" on the right side of the page to sign up.
Stories of Collaboration Using Real World Examples
Harvey A. Hutchinson III, JD, LL.M. (taxation), CFP®, AEP®
Ultra-High-Net-Worth Families Are Mindful of Collaboration Meeting Fees (and Length of Meetings, Too)
Collaboration among a client’s professional advisers will produce a better outcome for the client; however, at what price will such collaboration become too much for the client to endure? The answer to that question rests with the client; therefore, what can we do (as one of the client’s advisers) to better inform the client of the need for joint meetings with other advisers and the hopeful outcomes therefrom? Selling the benefits of the collaborative meeting is one way to capture the attention of the client; however, if acting as a fiduciary, balancing the benefits with the costs of such a meeting will be necessary. Furthermore, giving options to the client to experience smaller collaborative meetings with various advisers may provide additional clarity into this idea.
Several years ago, I was part of a joint meeting with several professional advisers (i.e., estate planning attorney, CPA, insurance agent, investment adviser, financial planner, etc.) of an ultra-high-net-worth client. The meeting was scheduled for two hours and an agenda was prepared in advance of the meeting allocating segments of time to various topics. For example, the agenda allocated the first hour of the meeting as follows: the first fifteen (15) minutes for introductions of the advisers to one another and a review of the final agenda; next thirty (30) minutes catching-up with the client (i.e., any news regarding the family (e.g., births, deaths, travel, etc.), business activities (e.g., addition or loss of a partner, opening or closing of a business venture), etc.); and the final fifteen (15) minutes of the first hour reviewing the client’s most recent financial plan. The agenda was circulated among the advisers weeks before the meeting to get their input as to what topics needed to be discussed at the meeting. Once the agenda became final among the advisers, it was sent to the client for a final review, modification, and acceptance.
The meeting stretched beyond the designated two hours and was well into the third hour at which time the ultra-high-net-worth client stated he was ending the meeting. The client extended his gratitude of appreciation to all of his advisers but commented that he was the one paying the collective one thousand dollars ($1,000) per hour fee for the hourly advisers present. Could the present value of three thousand dollars ($3,000) be more important to the client than the potential tens of thousands, if not millions, of dollars that could be saved in wealth transfer planning? Most likely not; however, the client probably became too physically and mentally exhausted over the three-hour period and decided to end the meeting for those reasons alone.
So, what can we do better to make collaborative meetings more successful for clients? Talk with the client and get their thoughts and experiences with such meetings. List the potential benefits and costs of such a meeting for the client to review and discuss with you. Create a collaboratively-built agenda and strictly enforce the time allocations therein. Consider building up to one large collaborative meeting by first having smaller collaborative meetings that address one area of a client’s financial picture (i.e., insurance and risk management meeting; income tax planning meeting; cash flow and financial obligations meeting, etc.). Limit meeting times to two (2) hours per day. Hold the meeting a couple of hours before lunch or dinner to ensure that a natural break will arrive (i.e., people become hungry) that may prompt the closing of a meeting. As we have experienced, client expectations and behaviors are unique and changing and how we interact with them must be flexible as well; therefore, we must continue communicating with our clients to determine the most effective way to present the collaborative plan.
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If you want to receive more frequent and timely communication about the NAEPC and its educational programming and member benefits, please be sure to subscribe for more frequent communications.