Read an Important Message about the 57th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Conference
from NAEPC President Garniewski HERE.
57th Annual NAEPC
Advanced Estate Planning Strategies
Virtual Conference
November 10, 2020 ∙ 11:30 am ET - 5:00 pm ET
Be Part of Something BIG
The 57th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Virtual Conference brings nationally-recognized speakers on topics of interest to multi-disciplinary professionals right to you at your desk and provides an opportunity to cultivate your national network of estate planning professionals. The conference is for every member of every estate planning council and all estate planning professionals.
We are grateful for the generous support of the sponsors and exhibitors that allow us to offer this conference to you free-of-charge. Please visit with these firms during the conference or learn more about the following sponsors now by clicking each logo below:
Schedule of Events
11:30 am ET |
Networking & Exhibit Hall Open |
30-Minute Sponsor Bonus Session
Life Settlement Solutions for Liquidity Needs Created by COVID-19
Jamie L. Mendelsohn & Jon B. Mendelsohn
session brought to you by Ashar Group
 Covid-19 has created a need for liquidity for many of your clients. If you have stalled relationships and are looking for new ways to engage them, change the conversation. This session will use multiple case studies to show attendees how the policy appraisal discussions open doors to not only life settlements, but to other related revenue opportunities within your practice area. The same processes can be used to develop new relationships and centers of influence.
12:00 pm ET |
Welcome & Opening Remarks |
NAEPC Annual Meeting & Election of Officers |
12:25 pm ET |
General Session: "Estate Planning in Light of the Election Results"
Martin M. Shenkman, CPA/PFS, MBA, JD, AEP® (Distinguished)
This presentation will address potential considerations for various election outcomes, including a Republican victory, Democratic Victory but Republican Senate, or a Democratic sweep… select just one, as it will be multiple choice! |
1:25 pm ET |
Networking Break & Exhibit Hall Open |
1:55 pm ET |
General Session: "Are You in Good Hands?"
Richard M. Weber, MBA, CLU®, AEP® (Distinguished)
This session will offer an exploration of suitability and client best interest in the sale and purchase of life insurance. Attendees will be among the first to learn of the regulatory movement substantially increasing the standard of care owed to buyers of life insurance. While mainly affecting licensed agents and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designees, non-licensed allied professionals will likely be caught unaware of these regulatory changes. Attendees will learn: a description of enhanced regulations currently in effect in various states; information about comparable changes in the fiduciary obligations of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designees to their clients; practical tools that currently exist to meet these requirements - fulfilling both the letter and spirit of the new requirements; how many new life insurance products defy the consumer’s (and agent’s) ability to determine the amount of risk the client takes to achieve an expected reward; and how allied professionals will likely want to interact with their clients going forward. |
2:55 pm ET |
Networking Break & Exhibit Hall Open |
3:15 pm ET |
General Session: "The Ins and Outs of QCDs"
Natalie B. Choate, Esq., AEP® (Distinguished)
Qualified charitable distributions are a popular tax saving device for all IRA owners over 70.5 - helping the "little guy" as well as the rich and famous. They're easy, they're simple, and people still mess them up. During her presentation, Natalie Choate will offer 12 things you didn't know about QCDs. |
4:15 pm ET |
Closing Remarks |
4:20 pm ET |
Networking Reception & Exhibit Hall Open |
30-Minute Sponsor Bonus Sessions (two choices)
Option #1: Oil & Gas Assets – Fiduciary Risk Mitigation and Regulatory Issues
Wes Turiano
session brought to you by Farmers National Company Oil & Gas Management
 This session will describe how Fiduciaries can manage risk associated with management of oil & gas assets held in trust, through prudent and pro-active management. The presentation will include three key elements of a successful oil & gas management program: a) planning for oil & gas ownership (due diligence, pre-acceptance evaluations, market valuations); b) management of oil & gas assets (revenue accounting, land administration, revenue maximization, leasing); and c) risk issues associated with oil & gas assets (title curative, lease values, dormant mineral filings, working interest review).
Option #2: Positioning Your Business for Growth
Mike Thurman
session brought to you by White Glove
.png) The current pandemic has forced everyone to alter, or in some circumstances, completely halt their marketing efforts this year. However, now more than ever, clients are seeking professionals to provide much needed education and estate planning assistance. Join this session to discuss real results the sponsoring firm has seen in the industry and what new methods have helped financial professionals partner with estate planners to position their business for growth.
5:00 pm ET |
Conference Concludes |
Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
Your support will allow an estimated 1,500 registered attendees to attend NAEPCs first virtual learning conference on a complimentary basis. Complete with three nationally-known presenters, an exhibition hall, one-on-one networking opportunities, and the experience of an in-person conference without the expense of travel, the 57th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Virtual Conference will provide the simplicity of an online event while maximizing the value of your sponsorship dollars. Plus, NAEPC will be making an exciting announcement during the conference. Don’t get left behind – join us this November!
Due to the incredibly generous support of our sponsors and exhibitors, this program is available on a complimentary basis to registered members and guests. Those who register and are unable to attend are asked to cancel on or before Friday, November 6, 2020.
Continuing Education Credit
Continuing education credit and certificates of completion are only available to those who attend the LIVE program.
Continuing education credit will be requested for Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) and Certified Trust and Financial Advisor* (CTFA) designees and will be available for Accredited Estate Planner® (AEP®) designees. Credit will be available to those who attend the LIVE VIRTUAL conference general sessions and complete attendance verification requests. In addition, a certificate of completion will be available for those who are able to self-file, attend the LIVE program, and complete attendance verification requests.
Approval Status:
CFP® Designees
Up to 3.0 hours of credit for attendance at the general sessions provided by Shenkman, Weber, and Choate.
CTFA Designees
American Bankers Association Professional Certifications has approved the 57th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Virtual Conference for up to 3.75 CE credits for attendance at the general sessions provided by Shenkman, Weber, and Choate.
AEP® Designees
Up to 3.75 CE credits for attendance at the general sessions provided by Shenkman, Weber, and Choate.
The 57th Annual NAEPC Advanced Estate Planning Strategies Virtual Conference has not been filed for legal, insurance or accounting credit. A certificate of completion will be available for those professionals within these disciplines who are able to self-file/report, attend the LIVE program, and complete attendance verification requests.
NAEPC Event Conduct Statement
The National Association of Estate Planners & Councils (NAEPC) is committed to providing all participants at our events with an inclusive and professional environment where they feel comfortable. These events include, but are not limited to: educational conferences and supplemental activities or programs included as a part of these events; webinars; and virtual and in-person board and committee activities and meetings; or presentations before local councils or to other organizations when speaking on behalf of NAEPC.
Participants, who include attendees and their guests, volunteers, vendors, staff, and all others, are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is welcoming, respectful and free from any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Disruptive or harassing behavior of any kind will not be tolerated. Participants asked to stop such behavior are expected to comply immediately.